Any Home Bakers Here?

I don’t have discards either, except for maybe about 4 days into starting a brand new starter. Rye flour makes a very strong starter, so I use that. And no, just because you’re using rye flour for your starter, you don’t have to make rye bread. It makes a very good white sourdough too.

Day 1, 25 grams of water and 25 grams rye flour

Day 2-6, add 25 grams of each without discarding anything. (Sometimes by Day 4 or 5 there’s a bit too much starter so it can get sluggish. At that point, discard all but about a tablespoon of the starter, then add the 25 grams of each to that tablespoon).

Keep doing the 25/25 daily even if it’s taking your starter longer to get going well. When the starter is ready (and how many days that takes depends on many factors), you can use it to bake your bread. Follow your recipe for how much starter to use. If there’s not enough, boost it to equal the amount of starter you need. If there’s extra, that will be your last discard….you want just the remnants left in your jar.

Leave just the scrapings in the bottom of the jar (discard if you need to get down to just the remnants in the jar) and refrigerate. I’ve left mine as long as 3 weeks between uses. It looks like a dirty, mostly empty jar in the fridge - I use a sharpie to mark the jar with “KEEP” so nobody thinks it should be taken out of the fridge to wash the jar. ;)

When I’m ready to bake, I get it out in the morning, let it warm a bit, add enough flour and water to equal my recipe, and it comes back to life, usually ready to prep my dough that night. Example: If your recipe calls for 100 grams of starter, add 50 grams of water and 50 grams of rye flour. Then after you’ve taken out your 100 grams of starter, return the jar with the scrapings to the fridge. All you’ll ever keep is just what little bits are left in the bottom of the jar, without constant feedings and discarding starter.
Thank you for writing this out!

After checking around and seeing the mind numbing amounts of different ways to start a SD starter, this is making better sense to me. And less wasteful.

I may start one today and give it a good Irish name. ☘️
Spring begins Sunday....and weather here is Spring
Like....50 to 60 degrees Sun Shining
It was sunny and 60°F Tuesday.
Looks like there is about 5" so far since around 7 PM last night. It is still snowing.
And here in Cowley we have sunshine and absolutely NO snow on the ground! We went to Thermopolis last light for a Masonic dinner and saw a few errant snowflakes when we left there about 8:30, but mostly rain.

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