Any Home Bakers Here?


Yuuuuuck. Heading back home from Dallas today to this 😭
Any one else have this problem?

My kitchen is clean and all I can think of is “I wanna bake something”.

1) what do I bake?
2) do I really want to?

I have 6 kids. So while I’m trying to bake something, I’m either cooking something else, or getting them something to eat and or drink. I end up with a beautiful clean kitchen and I start baking, and it looks like I haven’t touched it in a few days. I have the stuff from baking, dinner or lunch dishes, everywhere. 🤦‍♀️ I clean as I go but with six kids, everything gets messy so fast. 😭😭😭😭 I just want to bake some bread or cupcakes or a cake or cookies or a pie…anything 😭😭

“rant” over….
Any one else have this problem?

My kitchen is clean and all I can think of is “I wanna bake something”.

1) what do I bake?
2) do I really want to?

I have 6 kids. So while I’m trying to bake something, I’m either cooking something else, or getting them something to eat and or drink. I end up with a beautiful clean kitchen and I start baking, and it looks like I haven’t touched it in a few days. I have the stuff from baking, dinner or lunch dishes, everywhere. 🤦‍♀️ I clean as I go but with six kids, everything gets messy so fast. 😭😭😭😭 I just want to bake some bread or cupcakes or a cake or cookies or a pie…anything 😭😭

“rant” over….

Maybe it's time to loan the kids to relatives for a day!!!

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