Any Home Bakers Here?

We hit 93 yesterday, with 70% humidity. Today is supposed to be worse and they have heat index warnings of 105 real-feel temp for this afternoon. That is dangerous temps and humidity for us for sure.
We were at 71 this morning when i woke up.
Chickens are in the barn and seem fine so far.

The 5 week old's really need a roost to play on. This batch of chicks likes treats - so I will need to get a weed feeder set up for them. It is just a piece of fencing that is attached to the wall along the bottom of the fencing. It will flop down for putting greens on it and then will swing up to hold the green flat against the wall. I put a hook into the wall at the top of the fencing to keep it "closed". I put weeds, grape vines, long field grass, whatever on the fencing and then they will nip and tear at the greens to eat them. Makes it easy for them to eat the grape leaves and such and makes it easy for me to remove the stems and such when they are done.
I will need to get a weed feeder set up for them. It is just a piece of fencing that is attached to the wall along the bottom of the fencing. It will flop down for putting greens on it and then will swing up to hold the green flat against the wall. I put a hook into the wall at the top of the fencing to keep it "closed". I put weeds, grape vines, long field grass, whatever on the fencing and then they will nip and tear at the greens to eat them. Makes it easy for them to eat the grape leaves and such and makes it easy for me to remove the stems and such when they are done.
What a cool idea! I've used a suet cake holder to hang weeds and greens up for them to peck at.

Too hot to bake. I made rice for lunch. Fried rice with home grown eggs and garlic scapes.
I’ve gotten on a sudden baking kick so I’ve got a triple batch of pie crust for quiches in the fridge, a loaf of bread fermenting, and I’m making Chick Fil A style chicken biscuits for dinner.

The bread is from Rose Levy Beranbaum’s Bread Bible, you mix a sponge starter and then spoon your remaining flour and yeast on top before covering tightly and fermenting for 1-4 hours. They said it might ferment through the flour, it’s been about 2-3 hours and it looks like this!
The bread is from Rose Levy Beranbaum’s Bread Bible, you mix a sponge starter and then spoon your remaining flour and yeast on top before covering tightly and fermenting for 1-4 hours. They said it might ferment through the flour, it’s been about 2-3 hours and it looks like this!
Well, I feel like you're reading me a really good story and you stopped in the middle! What happens next?!?!

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