Any Home Bakers Here?

Thank you!! One thing about the air fryer is that it doesn't heat up the kitchen in the summer. The air coming out of the vent is just warm.

How many can you put in the fryer basket? Does the time change if they're big, say, the size of your fist?

My air fryer is an add on to my Instant Pot. The basket fits inside the inner pot, so 8" in diameter, or so. Do I just stack the taters in there, or only do what will fit on the bottom?
I can’t get any more than 3 in mine. I have the old barrel style and as much as I use and love it, there are times when I curse that small basket. Mine‘s probably about the same size as yours, maybe a little smaller. A new one with the larger square basket is on my wish list, and Tam and Evan are waiting patiently for mine when I replace it. I hate spending money to replace something that’s still working, but in this case I think it’s worth it.
You don't poke a few holes in them so they don't explode?
Maybe about as long as in the big oven but presumably it will take a lot less electricity.

Whose fist? ;) For my money a russet the size of my fist is too small for a baked potato. And no other type of potato is decent as a baker.
Yep, I forgot the hole-poking when I was telling Sally how to do it. Thanks for the reminder.
Yes!!! Made my own sourdough starter and started baking sourdough. I brought it to work for people to try and now I sell it on the side! I have tried sourdough cinnamon rolls and bagels. I make homemade donuts too!
feel free to share your recipes--starter and delightful baked goods! It all looks delicious. I have tired one time to do a starter and miserably failed
Made this pretty loaf for church last Sunday :) I’m still trying to figure out the right angle to hold my razor blade to slash a good ear!
Yes!!! Made my own sourdough starter and started baking sourdough. I brought it to work for people to try and now I sell it on the side! I have tried sourdough cinnamon rolls and bagels. I make homemade donuts too!
It all looks very tasty!

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