Any Home Bakers Here?

There are 454 grams in a pound. 600 grams equals approximately 1 lb. 5 oz.

Not all flour has the same density which is why they use weight instead of volume.
That was really proved to me when I realized that my small(ish) GF loaf takes the same amount of flour as my recipe for Betsy bread. 338 grams. GF flour is dense compared to AP. Also, I switched from bread flour to organic AP that I get at Costco, and I found I had to add 1 tablespoon more water to the recipe.
I feel LAZY today.....I do have a scale. NEED to use it more.
Thank you again.
I have my scale out on the counter, as I use it to weigh my eggs. Once I started weighing the flour for making bread, the loaves were much more consistent.

I've found if I make it easy to use something, I use it.
That was really proved to me when I realized that my small(ish) GF loaf takes the same amount of flour as my recipe for Betsy bread. 338 grams. GF flour is dense compared to AP. Also, I switched from bread flour to organic AP that I get at Costco, and I found I had to add 1 tablespoon more water to the recipe.

I have my scale out on the counter, as I use it to weigh my eggs. Once I started weighing the flour for making bread, the loaves were much more consistent.

I've found if I make it easy to use something, I use it.
I very seldom use my scale. EEK. I bake two Recipes I have
two loaves WEEKLY. And it is easy for me to get the dough Perfect. I guess it what ever works for each of us. ha ha
Hello bakers, I hope you’re all fantastic! I’ve been revamping a few of my favorite recipes and made a batch of @N F C gluten free pb chocolate chip cookies with a couple of modifications today. Still super delicious. Recently made another cake in my instant pot for the fam. They’ll usually eat about half at a time so have been freezing slices for treats whenever. Anyway, just wanted to say hello, take care all.
Started reviving my sourdough today! :yesss:


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Waterfowl season starts in three days here. I hope I feel better by then. I’ve been pretty sick.

Today is day three of being sick. It’s not Covid, but it is pretty bad. Saw the doctor today. It’s nothing serious.

They raised the Canada goose limit to five here. Last year, it was four. Duck limit is still the same.

I’ll be sure to post some duck and goose recipes if I get some.

Last year’s pictures:



And that’s it. Waterfowl season was pretty bad last year. I only got two ducks.

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