Any Home Bakers Here?

Bakers good evening one and all!

Monday and Tuesday were bummers for me.

I had an appointment in Jax for my pain and while returning I rear-ended a car.
I hope that bump didn't hurt you too much.
Was on the phone with the insurance company giving them the happenings of the wreck.
Hopefully they'll cover the cost
Hubby has an appointment with his orthopedic surgeon but I don't know if we will be able to keep it related to the weather.

77 partly sunny 79% humidity feels like 78 storm surge warning tropical storm watch wind 45 to 60 mph with gusts up to 75 mph.

NICOLE is a tropical storm that is supposed to make land as a Cat 2.
Stay safe
Have a great day!
Thanks, guys. I appreciate your help. I’m just frustrated because I lost the stamp. It’s also a bad ADHD day.

Nobody’s going to starve if I don’t get a deer or elk. However, I do want to help my family by providing food for them with the skills I have, like hunting.

You guys are right, I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. I am just struggling today.
Jared Forget the Day and events you did not like.....we all have
some days like that. ENJOY ALL THAT WE DO HAVE.
PM me if you'd like some good video instruction.
I will keep that in mind, thank you.

My next door neighbor has (lots of) chickens. The neighbor one more door down is seriously considering getting chickens next spring. (She's my chicken sitter, so she's getting some training.)

With all the chickens in the immediate vicinity, it's only a matter of time before we'll have to do this, and none of us ever have.
Good morning everyone.

Better day today.

Right now, I am planning out my families Thanksgiving menu plan. So far, I’ve got turkey, ham (For those of my family who cannot have poultry,) Giblet gravy, ham gravy (again, for the poultry intolerant,) mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, Green bean casserole, turnip gratin, and stuffing.

I know it sounds like a lot, but my aunts family and my other aunt are coming over for Thanksgiving. About 17 people total, potentially more.

Then again, maybe I shouldn’t have a ham and a turkey. Maybe just a ham.

What do you guys think?
Good morning everyone.

Better day today.

Right now, I am planning out my families Thanksgiving menu plan. So far, I’ve got turkey, ham (For those of my family who cannot have poultry,) Giblet gravy, ham gravy (again, for the poultry intolerant,) mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, Green bean casserole, turnip gratin, and stuffing.

I know it sounds like a lot, but my aunts family and my other aunt are coming over for Thanksgiving. About 17 people total, potentially more.

Then again, maybe I shouldn’t have a ham and a turkey. Maybe just a ham.

What do you guys think?
Jared that is so nice. To be planning. I MISS ALL THAT. YOU
are fortunate to be able to be planning for so many of your family.
What ever you decided will be fine...I am SURE. ENJOY the planning. I miss the planning. Aria

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