Any Home Bakers Here?

It's a good thought, Ladies-Eight, but no joy. We are very isolated out here and I don't know any of my neighbors well enough to ask this of them. I thought (briefly!) about making bricks, gathering slime from the river, and building an horno in the back yard, like my ancestors did ... 🤔 But thought better of it! 🤣🤣🤣

Sounds like a winner to me.
Like now? my girls stopped well over a month ago. I have eggs from summer in the freezer
I got Pearl White Leghorns from McMurrays. I currently have 4 and am getting 4 eggs daily without supplying supplemental light or heat.

I had one skip a day this month. She had laid an egg for 22 days straight. The other 3 had laid an egg for at least 32 days straight as of yesterday.

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