Any Home Bakers Here?

Happy New Year! I'm not out on this site very often and just found your group - I was looking for advice on frostbit combs - and got lost in all the recipes. I haven't baked in a while but used to do a lot of breads using sourdough starter. How do I become a member of your group?
I think you just did! You are free to join any thread you like! This is an especially nice one, everyone is friendly and helpful.
DH liked the pizza. The dough was ok, but i want to try adding some semolina flour, next time. I read that it's an excellent addition to pizza dough. And maybe some "everything bagel" mix on the edges. Perhaps some Asiago cheese.

I baked the pizza on my new, Lodge pizza pan. I'm new to cast iron, but I think I like it. I'm an old lady, just starting out with a lot of new things. Feel a bit like a fish out of water, with the breads. Problem is ~ my grocery store is out of so many things, that I'm having to order certain things on line. Like the semolina flour. And it'll be the end of January before it arrives. I'll just practice with what I have, in the meantime
We have a NutriMill grinder.
I bought some wheat berries. I've yet to use them, as I have a bit of ground, all-purpose and wheat flours I need to use up, first. I bought a grain-grinder attachment for my Kitchenaid stand mixer. I also bought some lentils. I imagine the grinder could work for those, as well. I used to buy a loaf of bread called Ezekiel Bread in the frozen healthful section of my store. I think there were sprouted grains in it. I didn't care for it as sandwich bread - but it was quite nice, toasted, with a bit of nut-butter
Happy New Year! I'm not out on this site very often and just found your group - I was looking for advice on frostbit combs - and got lost in all the recipes. I haven't baked in a while but used to do a lot of breads using sourdough starter. How do I become a member of your group?
Welcome to the thread. Page one has an link to our recipe index.
How do I become a member of your group?
As someone said, you already are! :frow We have all kinds of bakers, and cooks in general here. This is "one of the really nice threads." (Most of BYC is.) If you have any questions, ask. Someone here probably knows the answer to any cooking question!
I bought a grain-grinder attachment for my Kitchenaid stand mixer.
Still on the fence about getting a KA mixer, but all the attachments are intriguing me even more. What do you think of the grinder?

I grind rice with a grinder attachment for a juicer. It works, but the flour is not "super fine," there's still some grit to it. It's long grain brown rice; short grain didn't work as well, maybe it was less dry?

Does anyone here sprout grains, then dry and grind them? I sprouted rice for cooking, hoping it would not make me as, um, gassy.
DH liked the pizza. The dough was ok, but i want to try adding some semolina flour, next time. I read that it's an excellent addition to pizza dough. And maybe some "everything bagel" mix on the edges. Perhaps some Asiago cheese.

I baked the pizza on my new, Lodge pizza pan. I'm new to cast iron, but I think I like it. I'm an old lady, just starting out with a lot of new things. Feel a bit like a fish out of water, with the breads. Problem is ~ my grocery store is out of so many things, that I'm having to order certain things on line. Like the semolina flour. And it'll be the end of January before it arrives. I'll just practice with what I have, in the meantime
It makes me happy when someone like yourself explores these things, because I'm convinced that we are going in a very good direction.

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