Any Home Bakers Here?

I haven't been on here in a few months, and am not going to even try to catch up!

Look at this beautiful loaf!!!!! The crust is so beautiful and blistered, and it sang so much!
This is a recipe for a starter. This is probably one of the easiest to keep alive as I think I managed to maintain mine for over a year as a preteen. Eventually I couldn’t find anyone to give the extras too and everyone in the house was throughly sick of the bread by the time I decided to let it die off.
This is a recipe for a starter. This is probably one of the easiest to keep alive as I think I managed to maintain mine for over a year as a preteen. Eventually I couldn’t find anyone to give the extras too and everyone in the house was throughly sick of the bread by the time I decided to let it die off.

Thank you for the recipe.

This is not the one I was looking for.

Maybe it is called Amish Friendship Cake starter.
Having a weird issue with my email. I get a notification that there is a new post here, so I click the link to view this thread. After that, I get nothing. Nothing loads. Don’t know what the issue is, but it’s annoying me. Had to come on a different way.

I have had a rough week for two reasons.

First and foremost, I finished my therapy that treated my drug resistant depression. Now that the depression is out of the way, and I am not feeling it anymore, I am faced with a new problem, my ADHD. The depression has masked it for so long, I didn’t realize it was this bad.

Second, I feel sad because my 26th birthday is tomorrow, and I am still single. I look around me and I see many people younger than me with girlfriends or boyfriends or people who are getting married soon. I say to myself, “I am trying the best I can, when is it going to be my turn?”

All in all, a rough week. In fact, the only good I see this week was learning how to use a bread machine.

I have had a rough week for two reasons.

Second, I feel sad because my 26th birthday is tomorrow, and I am still single. I look around me and I see many people younger than me with girlfriends or boyfriends or people who are getting married soon. I say to myself, “I am trying the best I can, when is it going to be my turn?”

No need to hurry at getting married. I married at 25 years of age and looking back I tell myself I could've certainly waited until 30, perhaps there would have been more maturity by then.
I said it a few times before, and I didn’t mean it those times, but now I mean it.

I am leaving the forum. Here’s why:

I feel hurt because I just poured out some intense emotions I am feeling in my previous post, and all people are doing is clicking the like button.

Ae you LIKING the intense emotional pain I am in?!?!

Likes are NOT the same as interaction and support, both of which I need.

If all you guys are going to do is like my posts and not respond, then I am not going to waste my time on this forum anymore.

I may return if you all talk me into staying, but it’s not likely.


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