Any Home Bakers Here?

Is it your birthday? If it is , happy birthday to you :wee
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JARED ...AND remember you DO HAVE many talents
and MUCH to be grateful. TRY to think positive....let the negative GO.

I am dealing with a house fire. loss and am living with neighbors. AND
dealing with a lot...repairs, smoke, damage LOSS of a large portion of my
home my DEAD husband and I took 10 years to build. I am trying to
look at the POSITIVE.
Baked a couple pizzas. Had dough left over,,, so got a brainstorm.. and decided to bake a pan of cinnamon rolls. These are not real cinnamon rolls, but just bread dough imitation ones. Dough for cinnamon rolls is cake style. Has butter, sugar, and eggs in it. My poor mans' version is only pizza dough, with no butter, no eggs, and just a hint of sugar.

The cinnamon filling did make up for the no sugar in dough. It is brown sugar, about one cup, and one TBS cinnamon.

Mushroom and red onion, before cheese. Mushrooms are portabella. :yesss:

Already baked Peperoni.:drool:drool:drool

I rolled out the dough into a rectangle. layered the brown sugar/cinnamon mixture, and rolled back into a log. Cut into 8 pieces, and placed into pan. dusted tops with some additional cinnamon sugar. Now, pix below waiting for second rise.

Just out of oven
On cooling rack.

Of course it is still warm:drool:drool:drool
OK, email is working again. Don’t know what happened, but the problem is gone now.

I don’t know when I’m gonna bake bread again. I’ve got to go through the other loaves I baked first.

Question for you all. I was looking in the manual for my bread machine, and it said to not use homeground flour. It said it was too coarse. Is that true for everyone else’s bread machines?


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