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Made spelt bread with rolled oats
I didnā€™t really have a recipe, I used 750 g of freshly milled whole wheat spelt, and 250 g rolled oats which soaked in 250 g of boiling water for 1 hr. I put in some bread spice ( fennel, caraway seed) and 1-2 teaspoons Honey, some olive oil and about 600 ml of kefir ( attention, fresh milled flour needs more fluids than flour bought from the supermarket) if you donā€™t have kefir, you can substitute it with either buttermilk or yogurt. I added 2 kinds of sourdough ( too much work to make 2 different kinds of bread) rye and wheat , and 1-2 teaspoons of salt, I let it rise for 3 hrs, folding it after 1 and 2 hrs, then I let it proof in the refrigerator over night, the next morning I put it in the pre heated oven ( I bake in a cast iron pot) at 250 C for 10 minutes, lower the temperature to 200C and bake for 35 minutes, then I remove the lid and let it bake for another 10 minutes, done. It is a very moist bread, we like it
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I didnā€™t really have a recipe, I used 750 g of freshly milled whole wheat spelt, and 250 g rolled oats which soaked in 250 g of boiling water for 1 hr. I put in some bread spice ( fennel, caraway seed) and 1-2 teaspoons Honey, some olive oil and about 600 ml of kefir ( attention, fresh milled flour needs more fluids than flour bought from the supermarket) if you donā€™t have kefir, you can substitute it with either buttermilk or yogurt. I added 2 kinds of sourdough ( too much work to make 2 different kinds of bread) rye and wheat , and 1-2 teapsoons of salt, I let it rise for 3 hrs, folding it after 1 and 2 hrs, then I let it proof in the refrigerator over night, the next morning I put it in the pre heated oven ( I bake in a cast iron pot) at 250 C for 10 minutes, lower the temperature to 200C and bake for 35 minutes, then I remove the lid and let it bake for another 10 minutes, done. It is a very moist bread, we like it
That is a recipe. Thank you for sharing,.,
Photo doesn't do it justice, especially because of the low-light, but I made beer bread for the first time last night. I wish I could send smell through the internet because I added rosemary, thyme, and parsley, and the smell was irresistible! It went great with the home grown chicken I made (BBQ style on the grill).

Recipe is simple.

3 cups self-rising flour
3 tbsp sugar
1 12 oz. can beer - I used a lager
Pinch of salt
(1/4 cup minced herbs if desired)
4 tbsp butter, melted

Combine flour, sugar, salt, (herbs), and beer in a bowl. Scrape into well-greased loaf pan or 1 quart souffle dish. Bake at 375 for about 50 minutes. Pour melted butter over the top and bake 10 or so more minutes. Cool on a rack.

After writing that, I realized I used all-purpose flour instead of self-rising! Whoops. Well, it still worked well and is delicious. I would assume making it with SR flour would get it to rise more and be a bit more airy. Mine was more of a dense loaf but I still enjoyed.
Good morning everyone :frow Hope all you bakers are doing well. I haven't been here in ages, so I thought I'd pop in to see what's cooking šŸ˜.

I didnā€™t really have a recipe, I used 750 g of freshly milled whole wheat spelt, and 250 g rolled oats which soaked in 250 g of boiling water for 1 hr. I put in some bread spice ( fennel, caraway seed) and 1-2 teaspoons Honey, some olive oil and about 600 ml of kefir ( attention, fresh milled flour needs more fluids than flour bought from the supermarket) if you donā€™t have kefir, you can substitute it with either buttermilk or yogurt. I added 2 kinds of sourdough ( too much work to make 2 different kinds of bread) rye and wheat , and 1-2 teapsoons of salt, I let it rise for 3 hrs, folding it after 1 and 2 hrs, then I let it proof in the refrigerator over night, the next morning I put it in the pre heated oven ( I bake in a cast iron pot) at 250 C for 10 minutes, lower the temperature to 200C and bake for 35 minutes, then I remove the lid and let it bake for another 10 minutes, done. It is a very moist bread, we like it
Yep, that's a recipe šŸ˜
That is a recipe. Thank you for sharing,.,
Hi :frowAria, how are you doing ?
Photo doesn't do it justice, especially because of the low-light, but I made beer bread for the first time last night. I wish I could send smell through the internet because I added rosemary, thyme, and parsley, and the smell was irresistible! It went great with the home grown chicken I made (BBQ style on the grill).
View attachment 3452503

Recipe is simple.

3 cups self-rising flour
3 tbsp sugar
1 12 oz. can beer - I used a lager
Pinch of salt
(1/4 cup minced herbs if desired)
4 tbsp butter, melted

Combine flour, sugar, salt, (herbs), and beer in a bowl. Scrape into well-greased loaf pan or 1 quart souffle dish. Bake at 375 for about 50 minutes. Pour melted butter over the top and bake 10 or so more minutes. Cool on a rack.

After writing that, I realized I used all-purpose flour instead of self-rising! Whoops. Well, it still worked well and is delicious. I would assume making it with SR flour would get it to rise more and be a bit more airy. Mine was more of a dense loaf but I still enjoyed.

That sounds and looks yummy šŸ˜‹

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