Any Home Bakers Here?

My dad came up today for his turkey hunt. I saw his headlights in the driveway at 5:41 am, and he texted me a picture of his turkey at 6:45 am! The scale said 26.8 lbs! I helped him butcher it, and since I hate to waste anything, I have the carcass to make stock, and some of the organs and skin and meat to try/for the dog. What we didn't save, is in front of the trail cam to see what comes in. So far, a raven has been enjoying it.
Wow, he did good, Swiss! Where did he come from? I bet he was pleased.
So this is what my clotted cream looked like after cooking on low in the crock pot for 8 hours yesterday. Does this look right? Was surprised it got so browned. Chilled in fridge overnight, getting ready to separate it as directed. Next, making scones!

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It looks like it may have cooked a little long, but it should still taste great. Not all crockpots cook at the same temperature. If you want the oven recipe I can share that too.
Praying for your bother, Jared, hope everything will turn out fine, a kidney stone can block the urine from leaving the kidney, and it isn’t good for the kidney, main thing is to get the stone away ( maybe shatter it with sonogram, or flush it out with lots of fluids) getting rid of kidney stones might be very painful, cos you can’t control the muscles, remember how unpleasant a cramp is?! A kidney is even more painful cos you cannot voluntarily control it .. and the stone edges can also cause infection, as I said, hoping and praying 🙏🏻
Oh yes you can, if you get a leg cramp, it goes away faster if you stamp your foot on the ground and try to move the leg, as painful as it is, you’ve got voluntarily ( arms, legs) and in voluntary muscles ( kidney, gallbladder) and halfway involuntary muscles ( lungs) the most painful cramps are the ones where you can’t control the muscles

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