Any Home Bakers Here?


@R2elk here’s a better picture. The filament I used is kinda shiny, making it hard to get a picture.
5 years and no cracking yet. wow
Do they have places near you in Germany where you can rent a splitter for a day? The vertical splitting type like was mentioned?

Yes and with some woods like elm it is the only way. Elm is really fibrous and twisty, nearly impossible to split in half either by hand or any powered splitter. On the other hand, ash is so straight grained that it almost falls apart with minimal effort.
I know what you mean about the elm. It's dangerous so we go around the sides and get what we can, then stand back and go slow. It can snap and suddenly twist, throwing itself at you if not careful. I just run the lever, so I'm further back. ☺️
You are correct. However, a minor correction is necessary.

I am not trying to be preachy, and I am not mad, but “Mormon” is not the correct name of the church. Sure, it’s called The Book of Mormon because Mormon put it together from several records, but it’s not Mormons church.

You all can call me a Mormon if you want, but the proper name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Oh golly Jared my bad! I’m so sorry! What is the term for an individual then? My business partner of many years says she is a Mormon but she is 80 years old now and things change sometimes.
What then is the proper "name" for people of your church? I know the official name of the church is not the Mormon Church but I always thought the members were known as Mormons.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints.

I know, it’s a long name. However, the president of the church invited us to use the full name, no abbreviations, no nicknames.

The term “Mormon” came on in the 1800s because they heard it was called The Book of Mormon. I actually think it was intended as an insult to members at the time. I’m not certain, I will have to do research on that.

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