Any Home Bakers Here?

It’s interesting you mentioned that. I used this to help me learn knots when I was in Boy Scouts.



I’ll have to look at that link. I was not the best listener in Boy Scouts, so I might learn some new knots.
Bowline. Used to put a loop an the end of a line that does not get bigger or smaller.
It is also one of the best knots to know. It can be fairly easily untied after being under load. This is not true of many knots. The bowline is the "rabbit comes out of the hole, goes around the tree and back down the hole" knot.

It is Wednesday and 33 in NY State. Always thought Vermont was a bit cooler.
Often what you get today, we get tomorrow.
I’m going to glaze and bake a ham. We’ll have some apple pie for dessert. I made apple pie filling and canned it using our apples earlier this fall. It made pie baking very easy but the recipe is very bland, need to bump up the flavor maybe with some cider and/or lemon juice. I will definitely add something next time I bake one.

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