Any Home Bakers Here?

Back in November, plans were made to have a Super Bowl party. It was called off yesterday because almost everyone shared “it” 😷😷 with each other. :rolleyes: I already had the meat and some frozen sauce defrosting for the meatball subs I was bringing.
Backing up to October, I made some meatballs for my housemate and myself, but she wasn’t feeling well. The meatballs were frozen for a later date when she was feeling better, but we couldn’t find them. Well… :lau We could not identify the two bags of meatballs because the sauce was so perfectly red. Even in ziplock bags, the meat was just not noticeable. IMG_7159.jpeg

I now have about three pounds of meatballs. One is bbq, two tomato sauce. I think I will be more careful to label the bags when I freeze them this time. :lol:
Taste is very similar to apple sauce but a different texture.
When I was about 8 years old, we rode by train 3 days and night through the prairie, did I mention I suffer under extreme motion sickness?! So, during that time I had “boiled” apple juice ( I think you call it clear apple juice) , of course I had to throw up, cos it landed in my upset stomach, but they made me drink it anyway , cos 3 days and nights without anything wasn’t good either, ever since then I can’t stand the smell or taste of clear apple juice, and I fear nay apple boiled too long reminds me of those 3 awful days 🤢🤢
When I was about 8 years old, we rode by train 3 days and night through the prairie, did I mention I suffer under extreme motion sickness?! So, during that time I had “boiled” apple juice ( I think you call it clear apple juice) , of course I had to throw up, cos it landed in my upset stomach, but they made me drink it anyway , cos 3 days and nights without anything wasn’t good either, ever since then I can’t stand the smell or taste of clear apple juice, and I fear nay apple boiled too long reminds me of those 3 awful days 🤢🤢
That sounds terrible :(
Hope you're better now
I would like apple juice more if only it wasn't so sweet
When I was about 8 years old, we rode by train 3 days and night through the prairie, did I mention I suffer under extreme motion sickness?! So, during that time I had “boiled” apple juice ( I think you call it clear apple juice) , of course I had to throw up, cos it landed in my upset stomach, but they made me drink it anyway , cos 3 days and nights without anything wasn’t good either, ever since then I can’t stand the smell or taste of clear apple juice, and I fear nay apple boiled too long reminds me of those 3 awful days 🤢🤢

The train in Japan is one of the best rides you can ever have.

It is one of the smoothest rides on a train, there is no rocking from side to side, no lurching, its like riding on a cloud.
I have a very bad case of motion sickness, I even get motion sickness on the CN tower ( rotates 360 degrees an hour) I can’t ride a bus, ship, plane whatever without getting very sick, the pills for that are bad for my glaucoma, the other effective pills can cause parkinson disease so I only take them if absolutely necessary ( plane trips) a radiologist once told me I have underdeveloped brain arteries ( there are 4 main ones, 2 of them are not rightly developed) so that is what is causing my extreme motion sickness, I’m not sure if he is right, but it has effected my whole life, before I finally got my drivers license I either went by bike or got sick as a dog, so I never joined any outings…I found out the hard way driving myself does not work in the mountains or too many rotaries 😩 ( UK 🙄) whenever I go somewhere I’m not familiar with I ask if the roads are curved, I also found out that people not suffering from motion sickness like mine evaluate curved or mountainous roads totally different than me 🤪
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