Any Ideas?


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
Southern WV
He must be crossed with an ostrich, he's got the longest legs I've ever seen on a chicken.

His legs are very yellow, and when he crows he sounds like he's gargling. Hysterical!

that first picture looks like a dancer posing before the start of a dance FUNNY.........legs legs legs ! Sorry I have no idea what he is.......... but surely would name him something to do with those legs !
I think it is an Isa Brown Rooster.
It looks just like my Isa Brown Rooster. Only yours has more brown.How old is yours?
OH man I seen another picture here of a bird that looked similar......I just cant remember the name of the thread. And the person who posted it was not from the U.S. either.Let me look around for a minute or two and get back with you.
Ok I am back. I found the thread. It was by some one name kamus Brazil. and the name of the thread was English Breed Name. THe pictures of the roo looks a lot like the one you have in the picture. Hope it helps.
He's about 18 weeks old. I looked at the one from Kamus Brazil. He does kind of resemble that one, especially the legs.

He's in with another rooster and he fights him. (the other one runs away...chicken!)
I just know he is goofy looking.
Thanks much everyone.
Where did you get him? He looks like a Red Laced Cornish with some extra long legs. And I have banty cochins that will beat the crud out of other roos, so just cause a breed is a fighting breed that doesnt mean they are the only ones that fight,lol.
I got him at a Farmer's Market when he was about 4 weeks old. The fella I got him from told me "she" was a red sex link. The 3 pullets I bought with "her" were supposedly ordered from a hatchery, he said.
All four pullets I bought that day turned into roosters.

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