Anyone have Sourdough Starter?

Do you keep Sourdough starter?

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Are these day 2 bubbles?
Yep!!! Keep going with the instructions from Day 2 on. Well done! You might find an empty juice or milk jug or the like for your discard…you definitely don’t want to dump it down the drain. It doesn’t all flush away with water and when it dries in nooks and crannies of your system it’s like concrete! Cost a friend of mine $150 to have his drains opened after a year or so of dumping discard down his kitchen sink. Ken drinks a big glass of cranberry/mango juice twice a day so we go through those jugs pretty fast. I rinse them out and save them for discard. Just toss, cap loosely, and tuck under the sink or someplace. When it’s about halfway to 3/4 full, trash it and start a new jug.

Once your starter is good and active, then you can start using the discard in other recipes. But you want it to be pretty reliable and strong first.
Yep!!! Keep going with the instructions from Day 2 on. Well done! You might find an empty juice or milk jug or the like for your discard…you definitely don’t want to dump it down the drain. It doesn’t all flush away with water and when it dries in nooks and crannies of your system it’s like concrete! Cost a friend of mine $150 to have his drains opened after a year or so of dumping discard down his kitchen sink. Ken drinks a big glass of cranberry/mango juice twice a day so we go through those jugs pretty fast. I rinse them out and save them for discard. Just toss, cap loosely, and tuck under the sink or someplace. When it’s about halfway to 3/4 full, trash it and start a new jug.

Once your starter is good and active, then you can start using the discard in other recipes. But you want it to be pretty reliable and strong first.
I'm using this recipie which doesn't say about discarding until after day 5. I didn't discard day 2. Was I meant to?
you definitely don’t want to dump it down the drain. It doesn’t all flush away with water and when it dries in nooks and crannies of your system it’s like concrete!
I've dumped some in with chicken feed to make my birds' mash snack in the afternoon. Yup, it set up HARD in about 10 seconds! I had to add quite a bit of water to make it back into mash.

They scarfed it down.

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