Araucana thread anyone?

So, according to Edd Sheppard, he states that even clean face parents can pass off tuffs to their offspring. I wonder how many people who breed this breed can attest to that?
No clue. My pens are going to be set up tufted to clean so far. Might move One Leg though to the clean male instead of my marans pullet because he's more of a gentleman compared to the tufted male and I don't want her getting beat up because she can't run away.
My araucana pullet ended up hatching 9 chicks (none have any araucana though in them). Lost the 3 smallest, other 6 are going strong when the ducklings don't harass them.

I have eggs coming from ColtHandorf too.

And another araucana pullet is playing woth being broody

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