Area around beak swollen, beak turning black, pictures


Frugal Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 20, 2008
1) What type of bird , age and weight.
Bantam cochin hen, about three years. I have no idea what her weight is, but she feels normal.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with her behavior. She eats and drinks normally, her feathers look normal, and she acts like she always has . . . like the bossy little hen at the top of the pecking order. I believe it's because she's acting so healthy and normal that I missed this. One side of her beak is pretty swollen, and the bottom beak has turned black. She had a black lump on the outside of her lower beak, about half the size of a marble and hard to the touch, but after gently rubbing it with a wet towel for less than ten seconds the black lump came clean off. There was extremely light bleeding where the lump came off. There's also a small black spot at the top of her head, but I don't know if the two are related.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
I have no idea, but I have a feeling it must have been present for quite a while before I noticed it. I only became aware of it a few days ago.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
Not at all.

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
Just the light bleeding resulting from the black lump coming off.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
No clue.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
Their normal pellets, occasional treats of sweet potatoes, pumpkin, lettuce, and sunflower seeds.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
Normal. Nothing wrong there.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
I've been keeping the black areas clean and I rubbed neosporin on the area that bled.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
Since she doesn't seem bothered at all by this (yet?), I don't feel there's a sense of urgency. Mostly I want opinions on what exactly is going on with her, so I can better judge what course of action to take.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
Poor thing got some pumpkin seeds and steamed squash for being such a good girl while I posed her for pictures . . .



12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
She sleeps on a 2x4 perch in a 4x8 tractor type coop with aspen shavings. Days are spent roaming over half an acre that's pretty barren right now due to it being winter.
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Poor girl. It looks like it is dying skin and decay. I wonder what would cause that though. Some type of infection maybe? Is there an odor? I am jjust throwing out things for you to think of, I am not a chicken expert but am learning more and more everyday. With the swelling I would think infection or tumor maybe. I am sure others will chime in that know a lot more about chicken illnesses than I do. It's a good think she's eating and drinking. Good luck.
I'd have to say the same thing, that's dead tissue. It's worrisome, esp. with her beak. It looks like it will eventually slough off. The question is, will it grow back? She must've injured it somehow, maybe injured the blood vessel vs. infection. Good luck!
One of my sussex roosters got tht on his upper beak, around one nostril. I did nothing, and it went away in about a week. He is fine. I have two, and I can't even remember which one had it.
i did have one of my orp roosters get something like that on his wattles. but he got really sick first, (long story, their place got flooded and the roof leaked right over their perch and I think he slipped and tore a ligament or muscle in his left leg and couldn't get around well while recouperating.) Anyhow, after all that, his wattles went necrotic and pieces sloughed off, but it seems to be growing back and he is getting around much better. I have high hopes that he will one day be useful for breeding. I did nothing for him besides isolate, make food really available and encourage him to move about a little to keep his circulation and body functions moving.
Is the black part soft or hard? Smelly? Weepy or dry?

Looking at the inside picture is there some yellow (pus?)? Does it look like it is spreading inside?

I would suggest natural, plain yogurt to eat and even acidophilus powder directly on the affected area. If it is a fungus causing this, the probiotics will help.
The black part is hard, nothing smells off, and it's dry. Since I only caught this recently I don't know how much spreading is going on, and I did notice the yellow spot inside her mouth and thought I had commented on it under the picture, but it looks like I didn't.

When googling the symptoms, I kept running across beak necrosis.

Thanks for everyone who has commented. I'm watching her closely and she's acting normal as ever. As long as she's eating fine I'll give her some time and check her daily to see if it gets worse. I suppose my main concern at this point is infection?
I have been thinking about your hen and since there is a spot on top of her head it almost looks like something injured her while going for a failed kill. Any chance something got her head in its mouth/claw, like a racoon or a hawk or a dog or cat?
I would inquire with your vet about an antibiotic to help or at least prevent an infection. I had seen something simular to this at a friends house and it was the result of a cat attack. The vet gave antibiotics and she did get better.

Good luck!
I did get antibiotics from a vet soon after I first posted this, but it must have been too late. Yesterday she started acting lethargic, and she died this morning.
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