Ayam cemani?


Jul 26, 2022
Have got these guys today. 10 in total 5 hens 5 roosters. I might have got a really good deal or just some extra hens and rooster. Various ages. Black legs, beaks, eggs and feathered. some off the roosters have s bit of copper, greenish tint. Rest of my flock is easter egger vibes. Are these guys pure breeds? Any breeding benefits in easter eggers.

Not in the best condition. Much happier with me. Have a lot more space for them


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From what I can see, they look like purebred Ayam Cemani. I can't tell what the hens' combs look like, but they should be single as well. One thing though. The eggs are supposed to be white or cream, not black. Not sure if that was a typo, because I've never seen a black egg. :lol: Gorgeous birds though!
From what I can see, they look like purebred Ayam Cemani. I can't tell what the hens' combs look like, but they should be single as well. One thing though. The eggs are supposed to be white or cream, not black. Not sure if that was a typo, because I've never seen a black egg. :lol: Gorgeous birds though!
Amazing!!! Very happy about this!
Whoop! Whoop! They are of various ages.some look fill adult while other look about 4-5 months. Think the male to female is way to high. Have notice 1x male has a cross beak but looks fully grown.

Currently I have them all in a separate coop a d would like to keep it that way for a few day to make sure they are alright before introducing them to the rest. Have given them stress pack and Carbo dusted coop and chickens. Just in case.

It is my understanding that they are hard to breed /(and) have a high cull rate.

Could anyone advice me on how many rooster to hens I should keep? I do have a few EE hens that I could bulk up the numbers with.

Are rooster/hens often infertile?
Could anyone advice me on how many rooster to hens I should keep? I do have a few EE hens that I could bulk up the numbers with.
One rooster for 10 hens is often a good ratio, but it can vary from one breed to another and even from one rooster to another.

With just 5 hens, I would not want more than one rooster with them. One rooster with 5 hens is good with some roosters, but some other roosters overmate the hens with that ratio. That is something that you will have to try and see what happens with the rooster you choose to keep. Yes, adding some EE hens would probably help with that.

If you want to keep a second rooster as a spare in case anything happens to the main one, then you could either keep both roosters in one pen with all the Ayam Cemani hens and some other hens as well, or you could keep one Ayam Cemani rooster with the Ayam Cemani hens and put the other rooster with some other hens in a different pen.

Have notice 1x male has a cross beak but looks fully grown.
I would definitely not use that one for breeding.

For the others, examine each one carefully and see what good and bad points they are, then use that to decide which ones to keep for breeding. I do not know enough about Ayam Cemani to say what specific things to look for, but in any breed you want to check for general good health, along with the correct traits for their breed (body shape, feather color, number of toes, comb type, feathered vs. clean legs, etc.)
Whoop! Whoop! They are of various ages.some look fill adult while other look about 4-5 months. Think the male to female is way to high. Have notice 1x male has a cross beak but looks fully grown.

Currently I have them all in a separate coop a d would like to keep it that way for a few day to make sure they are alright before introducing them to the rest. Have given them stress pack and Carbo dusted coop and chickens. Just in case.
I'd keep them separate for at least two weeks, because you don't know if they're carrying any diseases. Especially since they came from a bad place.
It is my understanding that they are hard to breed /(and) have a high cull rate.
That's very true. The eggs are usually fertile, I believe, it's just very hard to get them to hatch. I've never owned Ayams, but I know a person or two on here who do, and they might have some hatching advice for you.
They look like pure Ayam cemanis!

I tried hatching some a few times and all turned out to be cockerels, but thry are gorgeous chickens!

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