baby black australorp won't use one leg


Jun 4, 2018
I picked up 3 baby chicks from my local store on Saturday. I had them on reserve and was told by the clerk that one of them had started having problems with one of her legs that day. First, I was surprised how small she was. I think she is a bantam and was mixed in by mistake with full size. She is 13 days old now and still smaller than my Rhode Island Reds that are 5 days old. The problem is she will not use her left foot. She keeps it in the air and hops from place to place. Sometimes it is shaking, but I think that is primarily because she is trying to keep her balance. She does not seem to be in pain. I did notice that the hock joint on that leg seems bigger than the one on the other leg. Any suggestions on what I can do to help her?


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I'm surprised no one else has answered

I would definitely give Nutridretch or some other supplement

What bedding are you using in your brooder?
Also how much space is there per chick?
There is plenty of space - only 3 chicks in an extra long rubbermaid tub. I have pine shavings down with paper towels on top for her to walk on. At first I kept them separated, then she kept sneaking over to the side with the others. I keep an eye on them to make sure they aren't picking on her. The injury happened at the chicken store before I picked her up.
Sav-a-chick is good.

I would feed scrambled eggs (for protien) and make sure it's eating and drinking properly.

It could just be a sprain or a vitamin deficiency.

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