Baby goose limping


6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
May 6 2013, I acquired 4 new baby Embden goslings (2 males and 2 females). Now the babies are about a month old and one of the little girls is limping. I've checked her out for signs of injury and have found nothing. Do you think it may be related to her growth patterns? I will be taking her to see the vet this next week if I don't see any improvement.
May 6 2013, I acquired 4 new baby Embden goslings (2 males and 2 females). Now the babies are about a month old and one of the little girls is limping. I've checked her out for signs of injury and have found nothing. Do you think it may be related to her growth patterns? I will be taking her to see the vet this next week if I don't see any improvement.
Sometimes around the age your saying your goslings are they get a niacin deficiency especially if fed chick starter, because chick starter doesn't have adequate amts of niacin that water fowl need. So you might want to try giving her niacin and see if that is the problem, 100-150 mgs of niacin to 1 gal. of water mixed real well and given as sole water till at least 10-12 weeks old. plain niacin not time release or flush free. or Brewers yeast sprinkled on top of feed daily 1 Tab to 1 cup of feed this is debittered Brewers yeast not baking yeast. and all your gosling can drink this water to so no need to have niacin water and plain water set out.
Miss Lydia - Do you continue to give your geese brewers yeast after 12 weeks of age? If yes, what kind and how much do you give them?
Miss Lydia - Do you continue to give your geese brewers yeast after 12 weeks of age? If yes, what kind and how much do you give them?
I add Brewers yeast to the fermented feed I make for the flock. I found livestock grade on line [some feed stores carry it but mine didn't.] My oldest drake at 9 yrs to my youngest duckling at 1.5 weeks and all the ones in between get it daily.
What is the name of the livestock grade brewers yeast that you get on line?
I have been able to get mine locally, but would like to compare.

I have been making a whole grain feed for my geese but haven't tried the fermented method.
Would you be willing to share your recipe?
AniMed is the brand name and for my fermented feed I use a 3 gal food grade bucket add half Flock raiser 1/4 7 way scratch half cup organic garlic, I/2 cup Dried oregano 2 scoops BY [scoop comes in the bucket] sometimes I add dried green peas. mix all dry ingredients real good, then I mix unpasteurized ACV 1/2 to 2/3 cup in a container fill with very warm water add this to dry ingredients, then after mixing real good I continue to add the warm water till the feed is wet. stir real good and let sit over night, you may have to add more warm water depending on how moist you want the ff, my flock likes it moist where it's falling apart not real wet, I have tried it different ways and they like it best this way. Let it sit at least 24 hrs better at 36 before feeding. some use the 2 bucket system but my holes kept getting clogged up so I scratched that idea and just use the one bucket, I mix my next bucket the next day that way I always have a bucket fermenting while feeding one. It takes a while to get your method up and running and get the consistency you like but it's worth it and really doesn't take that long, I mix my batch new each time since I don't ferment real wet, and be careful you don't add too much ACV or your ff will have an liquor store smell to it, mine didn't care much for that, had to throw out the whole batch. Course if they had ate it they probably would have slept good. for days. LOL you want it to smell yeasty. you might enjoy this too..
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