
In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2020
Hi I’m looking into many different breeds of ducks and really can’t decide on just one breed so are there any really cool cross breeds for egg production and beauty?
With ducks the purebreds tend to be prettier (in my opinion). Most of the genes which result in the unique traits are recessive and get masked in mixes. I would suggest you look at Welsh Harlequins. They are pretty and great egg layers. I would also warn against believing everything you read. My Khakis are pretty calm. The white one is my Welsh Harlequin.
Runners, but Welsh Harlequins are a close second. Like @MasterOfClucker my friendliest duck is my Indian Runner. She is very energetic, but she is also my most outgoing duck and always has something to say to me when she sees me :)
Welsh Harlequins are pretty friendly as well and are beautiful birds. Mine were both on the quieter side too.
If you can't decide though, why don't you try getting a few different colors, or different breeds that are similar? As long as you spend plenty of time with them, they will be friendly

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