Bone exposed on toe. What to do?


10 Years
May 13, 2014
Kansas City, MO
I noticed it a few days ago and it looked like it was old so Ive been treating it with spray and antibiotic ointment.
‘I tried to wrap and that didn’t work and I noticed today that she was sitting a lot so I looked and it was bleeding. I assumed the other chickens were pecking on it.
I know that the tissue wont grow back but what do I do about the exposed bone? Is there any hope for it?
Exposed bone is not good due to the possibility of bone infection. If a vet could see her and order an antibiotic, that would be best. They also might amputate the bone and stitch it up. Clindamycin or Cephalexin are good for prevention of bone infections. Those may be available online for fish or pigeons. I would soak the foot in water with either Hibiclens (Chlorhexidene) or Betadine (povidone iodine.) Then I would try to put a small dressing on the wound daily, and keep her in a dog crate on clean towels or puppy pads, in view of the other chickens. Have food and water nearby.
It needs amputation and/or stitches but would not do stitches with it like that since it is old and could be houseing bacteria. Keep it clean and separated from other chickens until a vet is available.
vet is not an option😔 As you can tell it is swollen and red so I’m pretty sure there is infection. What do you think her chances are with the bone exposed? the skin will never grow back over ot

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