Bricks/rocks in an incubator?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 29, 2010
Hey all.

Okay, odd/silly question, but the logic makes sense to me here. I've got a Little-Giant still-air incubator, and I'm awaiting delivery of 12 button quail eggs. That's alot of space for very few, very small eggs. So I was wondering if I could make a 'ring' of sorts, lining the edges of the incubator with bricks, to help weigh down the wire mesh and to help absorb some of the heat from the element, and maybe stabilize it better? Has anyone tried this? Is it a good idea? Bad idea? So clueless here. *gnaws her fingers*

Super excited on the eggs, even if I did screw up when I ordered them. >.<
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Heat sinks!! Thank you!! I couldn't remember the name of what you call it.
It's been a long night so far. So it will help to stabilize the temp? Thank you again so much. I felt so silly asking, but the way the temp drops so fast... and I know you can put bricks in your oven to do the same thing, so i was like... huh.
yep, any time i love helping people on here, i need help alot of the time too, though
you should try building an incubator it is really fun to see chicks hatch out of what you created
I use the decorative stones from Dollar Tree....the little ones that look like half marbles. I just fill the outer cavity of the bottom with those stones.....and four sponges that I soak with warm water on day 18 to raise the humidity for lockdown. The stones act as a heat sink and helps stabilize the temps. They also don't interfere with the little breathing holes in the bottom of the incubator. Mine is also a LG still air.


It's stabilized!!
It was swinging between 104 and 99, and after putting in the heat sinks, it's stabilized out to 100 even. You have saved the babies!!

I would love to make my own, make it bigger than the still air Styrofoam one I have, and actually have a fan in there and whatnot, but I'm a bit terrified when it comes to anything electrical, and the idea of playing with thermostats and electrical wiring and potential fire hazards??

This may be the problem.

I've had some really bad hatches, but used to use the rocks before.

Can't remember the last time I did that.

I wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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