Gigachad poultry

Dec 24, 2022
Vicenza IT
My hen Eda broke an egg in her vent and I'm really freaking out and I have no idea what to do, her breathing has been getting really deep and slow and she's been closing her eyes. She is now in my garage and she had epsom salt bath and she has a heat lamp keeping her warm and I have her sitting in a towel. How do I help her?!!!
You can give her Calcium 600 + vitamin D3 for a few days to help expel whatever might still be inside her.

And she would also need antibiotic treatment fo fight infection.

The heat lamp should be moved into a position that allows for half the crate to be cooler so she will be able to find a place she feels comfortable and not overheated.
Get her totally dry, perhaps using a blow dryer. Do not soak her again if she is weak or lethargic, as it can push her over the edge. Give here calcium citrate with D3 300 mg orally daily for 7 days. Equate brand at Walmart is a good brand, and Caltrate is good.

Have you noticed any thin shelled or shell-less eggs recently? Antibiotics are hard to get nowadays, but amoxicillin or enrofloxacin are two that can be used for reproductive issues.

She could have been eggbound with a larger than normal egg, and she could have another egg coming along which may be why she is weak. Offer food and water to her beak often. Get a thermometer in there so she doesn’t get too hot, and remove the lamp when she is dry.
So I have some extremely sad news... She passed at the vet coming out of anesthesia😭 the vet says that it seems like she had a ruptured ovaduct and she also had what could have been a lash egg that was all rubbery and looked like a bunch of shell layers that formed a ball. I'm incredibly sad she passed away and I feel so dumb for not having seeing her ovaduct problem was a possibility sooner. I'm going to miss her terribly as she was one of my favorite hens. I got her as a 2-3 year old hen from a breeder that didn't want her anymore and I had been trying to tame her for the 3 years I've had her, and only in the past month did she finally warm up to me😭 I feel like although I can replace her I can't replace the wonderful bond I got to have with her and I'm not sure what to do.

This was her weird "egg" that was stuck in her:

Eda you were a wonderful hen and I'm going to miss you more than any words could possibly describe and I hope you're doing good in heaven 😭😭😭😭
So sorry that you lost your hen Ed’s. Unfortunately hens do not tolerate anesthesia, but she may have been heading downhill already. She had salpingitis from the lash egg material found inside. Lash eggs can be found in the nest boxes or there can be masses of them inside the body. Sometimes the oviduct can be blocked with a large one. It is a very common ailment in hens over 2-3 years old. I’m glad that you got some answers with the vet. Here is some reading about salpingitis and lash eggs:

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