Broody hen affecting others’ laying?


Apr 5, 2023
Southern California
I have 6 hens all a little over a year old. One of my Brahmas has just gone broody. Pulled the feathers off her belly, won’t leave the nesting box, screeching at me and the other hens if we come near, the whole thing. I’m unable to give her fertilized eggs or babies, so I am going to try putting her in jail to break her broodiness.

We used to get eggs from all 6 of them everyday, but recently we’ve only been getting about 3-4 eggs a day. I know it’s common for the broody hen to stop laying, but could her broodiness affect the others and cause them not to lay? None of the others are showing signs of broodiness.

If the broody hen is affecting the others, is there anything I can do to get them back to laying? Or will they go back once the wannabe mama is broken of her ”calling?”

Thanks in advance!
Chickens often don't like change, it can cause stress. Stress can cause a temporary drop in laying. It is quite possible one or two of your hens have stopped or reduced laying because of the broody hen. My broody hens don't behave that way toward the others but with only six hens I suspect your coop is small and the nests are pretty close together.

I assume you are checking under the broody to assure eggs are not collecting under her? You may be surprised at how many people on this forum don't do that.

I think Aart has a great point. Are you sure none are hiding a nest?

I don't know of anything you can do to get them back to laying if that is the problem other than breaking that broody hen and removing the stress.
Not sure a broody would stop another hen from laying,
but it might change where another hen is laying.
Are your birds free ranged?
Not usually. We have them in a large enclosed run, but I did let them all out to free range a little yesterday. But that was later in the afternoon, much later than when they usually lay. I checked the usually hiding spots and found no eggs.
Chickens often don't like change, it can cause stress. Stress can cause a temporary drop in laying. It is quite possible one or two of your hens have stopped or reduced laying because of the broody hen. My broody hens don't behave that way toward the others but with only six hens I suspect your coop is small and the nests are pretty close together.

I assume you are checking under the broody to assure eggs are not collecting under her? You may be surprised at how many people on this forum don't do that.

I think Aart has a great point. Are you sure none are hiding a nest?

I don't know of anything you can do to get them back to laying if that is the problem other than breaking that broody hen and removing the stress.

They are in an enclosed run so I don’t think they are hiding the eggs. They are also on a pretty consistent schedule of when I can find eggs and it hasn’t been on that schedule for a few days now.
I am experiencing the whole broody flock dynamic for the first time this spring. Three broody so far at slightly different times.
I have experienced the following:
- Other hens standing on top of the broody in order to lay their egg in their preferred box (see picture)
- Other hens laying in the box next door and the broody snatching the egg for themselves
- Other hens finding new and creative places to lay their eggs in order to avoid the insanity
Different hens seem to react differently to the broody lunacy
Once I removed the first broody to jail the others settled down and returned to their normal nesting location,

Picture is Piglet (white) on top of broody Tassels (black). I didn't get the moment when Piglet stood on Tassels' head and dropped her egg on her back. It rolled down and Tassels popped it under her.
Crazy chickens!
I have 6 hens all a little over a year old. One of my Brahmas has just gone broody. Pulled the feathers off her belly, won’t leave the nesting box, screeching at me and the other hens if we come near, the whole thing. I’m unable to give her fertilized eggs or babies, so I am going to try putting her in jail to break her broodiness.

We used to get eggs from all 6 of them everyday, but recently we’ve only been getting about 3-4 eggs a day. I know it’s common for the broody hen to stop laying, but could her broodiness affect the others and cause them not to lay? None of the others are showing signs of broodiness.

If the broody hen is affecting the others, is there anything I can do to get them back to laying? Or will they go back once the wannabe mama is broken of her ”calling?”

Thanks in advance!
I feel for you! Has it resolved?
I have one broody hen for over a month now. No matter what I do all she wants is to lay in the egg box and prevent others from laying. Then, if they do, she sits on their eggs!
She won’t lay, isn’t egg bound, rarely eats, and is driving everyone crazy! She was my dependable layer allll winter, even!
I went from four eggs a day from four hens to two a day!

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