
Mar 26, 2023
Central Indiana
Goldie, our olive egger is attempting to brood.

We have moved her original broody jail to on top of the rooster(who is in our only dog crate- I'm not chasing him again in less than two weeks to take him to auction (he's too big for me to snatch from roost bars easily, I tried before he was jailed)

Anywho, today is day four. Unless I go buy a brand new cage which I really don't have extra to do so at this time, she is in what we have available. She's elevated and has nice air flow. Last year when she tried, I had her in a similar set up and in two days she was broken.

My question, how much longer?

Yes, she gets food and water--which is actually behind her.

Eta: she wasn't cooing or making noises at me this morning so I let her out, she roamed a bit and by the time I got back to check on her she was huddled in a nest... I had hoped 😂


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Um well, unfortunately in my case I’ve got STUBBORN chickens😅 so she might hold out longer then you think. It’s hard to guess an exact time that she’ll break because you never know.
Uuugggg 😂 lol thanks. At least I know I'm not alone with a stubborn one! Lol now if our little buff brahmas were laying eggs (we have roo and pullets) then I may let her hatch some! But that's like a next year project haha

Here's to hoping I don't have to blow a fan up her butt 😂 lol
Uuugggg 😂 lol thanks. At least I know I'm not alone with a stubborn one! Lol now if our little buff brahmas were laying eggs (we have roo and pullets) then I may let her hatch some! But that's like a next year project haha

Here's to hoping I don't have to blow a fan up her butt 😂 lol
They like to do it at most inconvenient times🤦🏼‍♀️
Believe me, when you have stubborn broody chickens your never alone lol
My question, how much longer?
As long as it takes. I've had some take longer than others.
Setup looks good(except maybe for the rooster below, hehe).
I like to release them late in the day, say an hour before roost time.
That way if they do go back to nest, they won't be in there for too long before being crated again.
Agreed, some just take longer than others. I have a bird that just swings in and out of broodiness most of the laying season - takes her forever to commit, and then takes up to 5 days to break her once she does. Others break in 2 days or less.
Setup looks good(except maybe for the rooster below, hehe).
Yeah lol I was able to use a rabbit cage lift(?) Bottom(?) (from our 4H cages) To put between her and the rooster. Before I had that piece dug out he didn't give one care that she was up there.

I know as long as it takes but gez she's just not caring lol
Well... I tried the letting her out at night, she went to coop and I woke up with her in nest... 😭 Lol and she's making her raptor or Predator(the movie creature) noises still. But last night she was all moving and clucking like let me out, she ate and followed into the coop, and while our auto door is unplugged at the moment(had an issue with it--our fault not it) she must have went sometime in the night bc I was out at 630 to turn on their lights(mainly for our grow outs)

Ug! She may win... Lol

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