Buff Orpington or Buff Cochin??? Opinions please!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 6, 2010
I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I'd love some feedback!

So, I'm wanting to add one more girl to my flock, and I keep going back and forth between getting either a Buff Orpington or a standard Buff Cochin. I'd love to have both, but my flock is nearly filled up. AND, unanticipated, I just adopted a Silver laced crested polish that was way too sweet to turn away. Guilty...

I've read that BO's are basically clean legged Buff Cochins but are better layers. I'm wondering if this is true and what other BYchickers experiences have been with both of these two breeds. Thoughts please?

Anyone care to help an indecisive girl???

Thanks in advance!
I have never had Cochins, so I can't really comment on them.

I have blue, black, splash, and GL Orps - I only raise Orpingtons and I love them. They are definitely NOT a clean-shanked Cochin. I've heard other people say that and I just laugh. What specifically do you want to know about Orps?
I've never owned cochins before but have heard that they are sweet, great mothers who brood often, but aren't good layers. I've had buff orpingtons and they are sweet, great mothers who brood average, and awesome layers. I would go with orpingtons but that's just my opinion.
I have four Buff Cochins and one Buff Orp.


The Cochins are cute but do not lay...I think EVER...and eat eggs. This is MY experience. My husband loves them, I thought they would be good for broody..NO. Not mine.

The Orp on the other hand, lays with regularity and went broody on me earlier this spring BUT did not stay that way for more than about two weeks when she realized, 'Hey, the lady takes my eggs every day!'

One more thing...if you live in an area that gets a lot of rain, the Cochins will have muddy legs with all of that feathering.
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Our Buff Orps are good layers but they can be noisy birds. Also, one has gone broody twice in the past year. All that being said, I wouldn't trade them for anything!

Broody Pearl:

Doris (and Pearl's butt):
I don't know about Buff Cochins, but my Buff Orpingtons are awesome layers (even in the cold Minnesota winters), calm and sweet. Oh - and beautiful!
I started out with BOs. They are my first love.
They lay well but as far as being broody it has been a total bust.
The only broody I have is a Leghorn/RIR cross so go figure. I only have one BO hen left. We have had bobcat issues. But I have 40 plus chicks that are 13 and 8 wks old. Hope this helps.

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