Can fellow chicken keepers recommend their favourite feeders that really do reduce waste/ spillage feed in feeding area please.


In the Brooder
Feb 24, 2024
Can fellow chicken keepers recommend their favourite feeders that really do reduce waste/ spillage feed in feeding area please.0
I use bowls, the black heavy rubber kind that TSC sells. I have ways to keep the chickens from dumping them over, and that works well for me.

I dump the fine bits in the bottom of the bowl into a bin and save them for mash snack. To make mash snack: take the fine stuff (my birds won't eat it), dump it in a pie plate, add enough water to make it oatmeal consistency. They scarf that stuff down. It's your regular feed, silly chickens!
I use a standard gravity feeder, just hung chicken chest high.
X 2 some are better than others if you can find them with a lip around bottom outer edge helps along with billing guards in feeder bottom. I also use a pellet feed that also helps in cleanup of the little that is raked out. But even with that keeping them at least back high helps most.
I screwed the bottom saucer to the bucket to catch any food that’s dropped. Works great.
Treadle feeders work best but make sure they have a half inch wide lip protruding into the feeder to cut down on feed raking. Then feed a uniform feed like pellets or crumbles, no treats mixed in or the birds will rake feed. Some feeders have an add on feeder lip extension that will stop the worst raking hen as long as you use uniform feed.

When you get past the feed lip, avoid the guillotine style feeders, nearly all are made in China and require leaving the door open for several weeks during training. A good inward swinging door doesn't, it shouldn't, require being left open.

Good luck, do your research before spending your hard earned dollars. Look for independent reviews WITHOUT links to Amazon or to the manufacturer's website. Those are the ones getting a commission and will say anything to get paid in most cases. And the negative reviews are the most important ones if you are trying to avoid feed raking or rodents.
I also use the do it your self feeder ports. They are inexpensive and very easy to put on buckets. I find that less food is wasted compared to traditional gravity feeders.I have them on a garbage can in my larger coop. Some come with plugs that can be put in at night to prevent mice from getting in. I ordered mine from Amazon.
We cut up rain gutter (they come in 10ft section for less than $12 (it used to be like ~$6 three years ago!) and screw them onto 2x2x8 lumber near the bottom of the run wall to make a plastic trough.

The set up keeps the chickens from scratching, kicking the feed out! And they can't poop in it!

We feed them fresh feed daily. Occassionally if we are on vacation, we can put 2-3 day worth of feed so helping neighbors don't need to do the feedinng chores daily!
I use 3 inch abs plastic pipe. Two elbows and a straight length of choice. 2-3 feet. I use no glue. Just push it together into a jay. Then the feed opening I ajust. The. Angle for. My chickens. And location. I put a rubber abs pipe cap on the. Top and if I’m worried about. Nice. I cap the bottom opening at bed time

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