Can someone math for me?


Mar 24, 2024
So I’ve got 4 pullets in a run, 2 chicks in a brooder, and 4 in another bigger “brooder”. I’m going to be putting all of them in a chicken “yard”. So 10 chickens total, although 2 are bantams. My enclosed yard is 36’ long and about 20’ wide. Is that comfortable for 9.5 chickens? Not what they need, but comfortable. I can add to it if I need to.
That's plenty of room. The minimum recommend space for standard size chickens is 4 sq ft per bird in the coop and 10 sq ft per bird in the run (you can get away with slightly less for bantams). A 20 ft by 36 ft yard would be 720 sq ft so you could have as many as 72 birds in that space (although they’re happier when not crowded).
lol 72?? Holy moly! I want my birds to be able to spread out. I heard cramped space can cause fights and such. I’m trying to keep the peace.

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