Can the rooster just live alone?


8 Years
Nov 28, 2011
I am trying very hard to find a home for my Brahma rooster. In the mean time can he safely live alone, away from the hens without going bezerk and killing himself? I have 2 hens that are deathly terrified of him, and 3 hens that he is going to kill because he's 5x bigger than they are and he just keeps breeding them (those are his favorite!!!) This has to STOP. I don't want the rooster killed (won't do that) but he does need to go live somewhere else. Or if he has to just live in his own pen for now until forever, then fine, whatever.

Does anyone else have a rooster that lives solitary? I know nothing about this and would like some opinions please.
Yes I think he would do fine living on his own while you find him a new home.
I've done it but was able to reintroduce my boy later -

He was in time out for about a week, I did not notice any feather condition or weight issues from doing this.

As he was being a pain (human aggressive) he got feed three times a day once early morning from my hand , once afternoon from my hand and once free choice one hour before roost time, food removed when he roosted.

He is fine now an upstanding member of the flock, good luck.
I seperated my roo once can't remember why he was probably being an idiot. He would pace back & forth like a parent waiting to have a child.Still pecking the ground trying to call the girls over for some food. Other than that he did fine. They can live alone but still need space to move around.

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