Change of plans

Sold 2 of the wheaten Marans and that barred rock yesterday, down to the 9 grow outs (6 Isabel ameraucanas, 2 wheaten ameraucanas, and the wheaten Marans which is supposed to be a pullet)
I have a theory about the sex of these Isabel ameraucana chicks, so when they hatched a couple had yellow down and the rest were almost white, since they started feathering in, the lighter chicks feathers have stayed lighter (pullets?) the 2 that had yellow down appear to have lavender coming in (cockerels?). I'll update in a couple weeks when they are more feathered. This could be nothing, but it's quite interesting 🤔
I have a theory about the sex of these Isabel ameraucana chicks, so when they hatched a couple had yellow down and the rest were almost white, since they started feathering in, the lighter chicks feathers have stayed lighter (pullets?) the 2 that had yellow down appear to have lavender coming in (cockerels?). I'll update in a couple weeks when they are more feathered. This could be nothing, but it's quite interesting 🤔
I will definitely be interested in whether those color differences have anything to do with which chicks are male or female. (I would not expect male/female differences like that, but I'm more interested in what really happens than in whether I am "right" or not.)
I will definitely be interested in whether those color differences have anything to do with which chicks are male or female. (I would not expect male/female differences like that, but I'm more interested in what really happens than in whether I am "right" or not.)
I wouldn't expect it either with everything I've read on the color, but I also thought about it like Wheatens, since Isabel is lavender wheaten it would make "sense" that the cockerels would grow in darker breast feathers and the pullets would not. I'll keep you posted.
Chillin with the littles


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They were tiny terrors today, all up in the ladies business, but everyone behaved😊 And Onyx is still hard at it, 5 days to go, but I expect them to be a couple days early❤️


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Sold the 2 cream legbars, they were ridiculously antisocial, which I just can't work with (I need my ladies to be easy to handle if things arise) and the littles are rockin it out with the ladies! Onyx has 2 more days till hatch day. These babies will be interesting, the roo is a white silkie/production red mix, the moms are white leghorn, 1 austra white, 2 paint English orp/wtb (from one of my grand babies last year) and 1 green queen egg. Can't wait!


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