Chicken distress call - unlike anything I've ever heard

Thanks for all the replies so far. I live in city-limits, so the chances of a bobcat or fox or other large predators are pretty much ruled out. Never seen or heard an owl before, either. I'm almost certain it was my birds making these noises. Maybe I need to just move on, but their cooing cries of distress were slightly haunting.

just because you have not seen the large preds does not mean they are absent. Friends on mine live in Birmingham AL they and their neighbors have lost cats to coyotes. they have seen foxs and bobcats. NY city even has large hawks
Large predators are more common than you think in developed areas; domestic pets are in abundance and easy prey for such predators but the cries of rabbits, both domestic and wild, as well as wildlife like porcupines would cause your flock distress. Chickens will pick up on the warning calls of other prey animals.

I will second the suggestion of setting up a game cam if you want to know what your dealing with and reinforce your coop/run wherever predators may gain entry. You'd be amazed at the tight spaces some of these predators can actually squeeze through and NEchickennoob is absolutely correct... the sounds a fox can make can be extremely alarming.
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