Chicken has canker from possible wet fowl pox, please help!


Mar 31, 2024
Hello, I’ve posted a thread about my sick chicken already but made a discovery today and figured I’d post another, but I’ll link the other here. It has all the information on her in it and how I’ve been treating her for the past month and a half.

Today I noticed her stretching her neck out a couple times and caught a look inside her mouth, she has a large yellow canker sore on the right side. There’s no foul smell, and her other symptoms of respiratory illness and a swollen right eyelid with bubbles points to wet fowl pox more now.
She is currently on Tylosin water again, two days in because I was treating her for Mycoplasma. I’ve read about Metronidazole for a possible treatment for canker sores. Can I use API General Cure to treat it, and do I need to stop the Tylosin water before using? Any advice or other medication/treatment recommendations would be super helpful please!! Thank you.


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Is there any way you can see a vet or farm vet to let them take a sample of the yellow material to test it? It looks like canker, a protozoan infection, but canker smells bad. Wet or diptheritic pox from mosquitoes in hot weather also can look the same way with yellow plaques. The latter is a virus, and antibiotics won’t treat it. Canker can be treated by metronidazole or Flagyl. Ronidazole is another anti protozoa drug that can treat it. Both of those are not approved for chickens. If you should lose her, I would contact your state vet for a necropsy and testing. In the past there was a thread about a similar infection that turned out to be cancer in the necropsy.
Is there any way you can see a vet or farm vet to let them take a sample of the yellow material to test it? It looks like canker, a protozoan infection, but canker smells bad. Wet or diptheritic pox from mosquitoes in hot weather also can look the same way with yellow plaques. The latter is a virus, and antibiotics won’t treat it. Canker can be treated by metronidazole or Flagyl. Ronidazole is another anti protozoa drug that can treat it. Both of those are not approved for chickens. If you should lose her, I would contact your state vet for a necropsy and testing. In the past there was a thread about a similar infection that turned out to be cancer in the necropsy.
I don't think our vet works on chickens but I can double check. I suppose it could be cancer possibly, she has had a tumor that I'm not sure if its cancerous or not... Would the canker smell be very noticeable without having to open her mouth? I'm going to check again for a smell this afternoon when I get home. I did pick up the API General Cure (Metronidazole) yesterday. Would it be fine to try to treat her with it even if for sure I don't smell anything bad? Is there anything topical I can try to put on it as well that might help, if it happens to be from fowl pox?
I appreciate everyones advice and help over the past few weeks, I'm praying she pulls through :fl
Where was the tumor she had? Is it still there, and have you had any others with unexplained tumors? Some tumors in chickens can be related to 2 different viruses, although there are others that are just spontaneous. Will you have a necropsy by the state vet lab on her if you lose her? Testing or a necropsy is the only way to know if it is canker/histomoniasis or a tumor.
Where was the tumor she had? Is it still there, and have you had any others with unexplained tumors? Some tumors in chickens can be related to 2 different viruses, although there are others that are just spontaneous. Will you have a necropsy by the state vet lab on her if you lose her? Testing or a necropsy is the only way to know if it is canker/histomoniasis or a tumor.
It is on her left side/breast, she’s had it for about a year and a half and has had no other health issues until now. None of our other past chickens had any tumors we know of. To be honest if she passes we would like to burry her, so probably no necropsy as much as I’d like to know what caused the tumor. We’re not sure if/when we will get more chickens after the couple we have now pass.
Would the canker smell be very noticeable without having to open her mouth? I'm going to check again for a smell this afternoon when I get home. I did pick up the API General Cure (Metronidazole) yesterday. Would it be fine to try to treat her with it even if for sure I don't smell anything bad? Is there anything topical I can try to put on it as well that might help, if it happens to be from fowl pox?
Would it be okay if I still try the metronidazole?

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