Chicken tucking her head to her right and sleeping most of the time, lost balance to standup


Jun 27, 2020
Hi, my Barred rock chicken is 15 months old, all of a sudden she has her head tucked in to her side and was sleeping most of the time and lying on her right side. i isolated her and gave food and water. she misses her food, not sure if she sees things blurry. and she can't balance herself on her legs.

when she tried to move, she couldn't use her one side of the leg. and tried to massage her legs and checked for paralysis. she responded when gave little pressure on both the legs

She couldn't find the water and food near her by herself. i had to tuck her mouth in water so she drank some water. and food also she could take from my hand, but she randomly pecked food from my hand

Her poop is liquidy and sometimes solid.

I gave her warm water bath and blow dried her yesterday evening, she layed an egg that time. It been 15 hrs now after laying egg, she is not moving still

Please help, not sure what is happening to her. How can i treat her to get back to her normal life


  • WhatsApp Image 2020-06-27 at 12.32.38 PM.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2020-06-27 at 12.32.38 PM.jpeg
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How is your hen doing today? Is she moving her legs better? Can she stand or walk at all? Does her right eye look the same as her left? Have you added any new birds ro your flock recently? Some hens can experience a temporary lameness from an egg pressing on leg nerves. Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? I would make sure that she is drinking water, and a vitamin electrolyte would be very good to use. Poultry Cell or NutriDrench are ones that can be given orally 2 ml daily.
@Eggcessive thanks for your response. She is not vaccinated for marek’s .
my chicken still not standing and eating on its own still. Gave her poly visol without iron 1 ml, Crushed 1 tablet selenium and 1 tablet vitamin b12 and a vitamin e capsule gel in apple juice and fed her now.. hoping to see some improvements..
I tried following the suggestion for wry neck from this article
That article is about 8 years old. B complex is what you probably want to use, instead of B12. B complex has all of the B vitamins, including B12, but B1 thiamine is good for neurological problems and B 2 is good for legs and feet. Dosage of B complex is 1/4 tablet daily crushed into some food or a little water and given orally. Only a small amount of selenium is needed, and it is in egg, tuna, and sunflower seeds. Vitamin E 400 IU daily is a good dosage.
@Eggcessive: I gave her some scrambled egg and carrot juice this morning. i gave her home remedy - a teaspoon (mashed garlic, cumin and pepper). she ate a little bit. but she is wheezing now.
please help. should i give dewormer like aviverm? not sure if she has gapeworm. should i also give her electrolyte and liver tonic?
my chicken is sneezing and wheezing. can i give her aviverm? if she doesn't have any worms, it does not have any side effects right?

i gave her 1 ml of poultry cell now with some eggs
Also, i didn't see this gaping and sneezing symptom yesterday. so not sure if it is worm problem. also her eyes are good, she tend to sleep a lot thou. and her crown is red and no runny nose.
because of sneezing and wheezing i did gave her drop of vet-rx to her wings and crown.
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Today's update : last night i gave her pea sixed safe guard fenbendazole for horse 10 percent to deworm her with bit of bread, its been 12 hrs, i see light gasping all time like yesterday. hand feeding her with some right, pumpkin mashed, 1 ml poultry cell, 1 vitamin E capsule, 1 B12 capsule crushed today. and giving her small amount of home made medicine paste for good respiration (onion, garlic, black pepper, cumin, turmeric, Phyllanthus Niruri). and electrolyte water.
she is eating if i hand feed her., not standing up. her head seems fine not twisted. checked her sensation in legs - she is responding.

Hoping to see some improvements by continuing this.
please suggest if anything else can be done to cure her.
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my chicken is not gaping now ., But when she eats or drinks she is gaping.. also she is stretching her legs and feather now and then..

Is it a progress? Can anyone please help? And let me know if i can do anything to help her recovery
If you want to treat for all worms, use 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound of weight for 5 straight days. A “pea size” is an older dosage and not quite enough. The respiratory symptoms could be sign s of a respiratory disease. Here is a link that details symptoms of Infectious brnochitis, MG, coryza, and ILT:

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