Chickens plucking each others feathers, what do I do?!


In the Brooder
Oct 4, 2023
Hi there! I have 12 hens, 6 barred rocks and 6 wyandottes that are about 5 months old. They have a big coop, big outdoor run, toys, treats, flock block, always full food and water and always something to do from what I can tell. A few weeks ago I noticed one of my hens combs got pecked and ripped a good amount, that has healed very nicely now I managed to save it. But that same night I noticed many of the hens missing feathers on their backs just before their tails. I got some blue ointment and spray, it seemed as it was working so I did it for a few days and kept an eye on them. I recently got the flock block and some new things for them as I thought they were just bored. I have witnessed a few times hens getting plucked by another, some were bloody, some not. I spray the bad ones about every other day, but it’s still not stopping and they are continuing to pluck. I’m at a loss, these are my first chickens and I don’t know what to do. Do I need to apply things or treatment more frequently? I have no way to separate any of them as I don’t have a place to put them. I need some help and guidance, please! Thank you
Photos of the damage? Photos of your set up too? What exactly do you feed them? How often are they given treats and what types of treats exactly?
Attached is them about a week ago, I have not taken any pictures since, size of the coop while we were building it, inside the coop when they were still small (wide lens makes it look odd size wise but I can walk around in there, and the outside run which I took the other day, it also goes around the back of the coop as well. Treats suck as veggies, apples, lettuce, cracked corn, cabbage, sometimes mealworms. They are given one of the above once a day but never a lot of any of them. I feed them a crumble, I’m not sure the exact name but it’s the only feed they’ve had and I gave them some oyster shell as well. I’m afraid I’m doing something wrong but I’m trying everything I can to help!!


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x2 on the crumble (protein % is specifically what I'm looking for).

I agree run looks snug for 12 birds as well. Do you know the measurements of coop and run? Do you free range at all and if so, for how long? The run is quite barren and boredom is often a factor in feather picking issues. Ideally you want to clutter up your run: to break up line of sight and provide hiding spots for birds getting picked on, and also to provide enrichment that isn't food related (as treats can dilute down protein intake as well, which can also be a factor with feather picking).
x2 on the crumble (protein % is specifically what I'm looking for).

I agree run looks snug for 12 birds as well. Do you know the measurements of coop and run? Do you free range at all and if so, for how long? The run is quite barren and boredom is often a factor in feather picking issues. Ideally you want to clutter up your run: to break up line of sight and provide hiding spots for birds getting picked on, and also to provide enrichment that isn't food related (as treats can dilute down protein intake as well, which can also be a factor with feather picking).
I use 16% Dumor crumble. I don’t know measurements but it’s bigger than it looks in the picture but we are building a bigger run in the spring as snow is going to fly in a few weeks. I could put some hay bales in there to give a corner or something to jump on. No free range as my husband and I work full time and there are too many animals around here. They have a swing, a bell hanger in their coop and a bell and a ladder thing outside as well. Any ideas for things to put in the run would be great!
Hang a swing in there, put a long roost so the girls have something to get up on. Mine love both. You might need to put a camera in there to see who the one that is pecking the others is and put her in freezer camp. A Rooster could keep the girls in line also.
I use 16% Dumor crumble. I don’t know measurements but it’s bigger than it looks in the picture but we are building a bigger run in the spring as snow is going to fly in a few weeks. I could put some hay bales in there to give a corner or something to jump on. No free range as my husband and I work full time and there are too many animals around here. They have a swing, a bell hanger in their coop and a bell and a ladder thing outside as well. Any ideas for things to put in the run would be great!
The clutter thread I linked above has a ton of ideas. A few hay bales will help, provides some wind shelter, solid enough to break line of sight, and the birds can tear them up as enrichment.

I'd look into upping protein in the feed as it may help.
10 sq feet per bird during the day is plenty
If they are used to freeranging and that changed prior to the plucking issue, boredom might be the cause. But the lack of bugs/protein and their age could factor in too.
Feathers won't come back at that age until the first molt cycle, so now they're being opportunistic.
Think of them as teens void of xbox, cell phones, and hot pockets......

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