chicks getting pecked on butt


Feb 3, 2011
greensboro nc
Please Help. my 4 week old mixed buff O,and RR mixed are pecking on the butts of each other, feathers missing and tails bloody, I have taken the ones hurt the most out of the pen, what do I do now?
I kind of had a problem similar with one of our chicks, apart from the chick was pecking its own butt. Not sure if its even related to your problem but thought i'd mention it anyhow. Turned out the chick had an infection and just need antibiotics to clear it up. Do the bums look sort of wet? ours also had feathers missing. Maybe they have an infection and its causing them all the peck at eachother.
I would put something like wonder dust on to help clot the sores, dull the red color, and let the injured ones heal up well. Then slowly reintroduce them back into the others. For a few days to a week let them see each other, but through a fence divider. Then after they all seem to get along between the fenceing, remove and watch them, so there is no infighting to reinjure any.

Have no experience in to why they were doing it, but need to get the injured ones healed. They are quite resillent (sp?).
I use blood stop powder on mine, changes the color and tastes nasty. Really anything that covers the blood color and taste bad will work, even baking powder will help in a pinch.I read on here someone used noxema.Also make sure they arent crowded or too hot.
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