Chicks sleeping butt up...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
I have two chicks (not sure which breed it is) that seem to sleep with their butts up in the air and faces buried in the bedding. Is this common with chicks? The first few times I saw them doing it I nudged them and they kind of shook their heads like I had woken them up and then stumble away from me and then plop right back down the same way. Anyone seen this?
Yep, just one of the many things that they do to amuse/worry us. As long as they are eating, drinking, and pooping normally - all is fine.
So far they are all behaving fine...other than the unusual sleeping position. There are a couple of bullies in the flock and one of them is one of the smallest ones! I was holding her and my beagle came over to investigate the strange noise and when she leaned in to sniff that little bird pecked her on the nose three times before I could blink! My beagle backed away and looked at me like, "What in the world just happened?!" Ha ha That little bird and spunk!

Here is a picture of mine at 1-2 days old. They would sleep wherever and however they dropped. Some times butt up like yours, and sometimes all stretched out on their sides. The very first time I saw them flop over I was a little worried, then amused. :)
I had a baby bantam that did that also. I was worried her legs didn't bend or something! Now she's about two wks old all is well with her and she eventually laid down "Normally"
Well it looks like one of my ladies might not make it. She seems very weak and the others seem to go out of their way to step on her. I believe she is one of the speckled sussex chicks....which I was really looking forward to seeing. Anything I can do to help out a weak one or should I just let nature take its course?
I would separate her from the others. If she's going to pass she shouldn't have to suffer the pain from being trampled too. Just mmy opinion. sad for your chick :/
She didn't make it. They are now separated and one of the little ones was pretty upset about being taken away from the big ones....I think she thought she was one of the big ones too, she seemed a bit insulted to be put with the little ones. Now I am debating replacing the one that died or just sticking with my 7. My OCD tends to make me want nice round numbers ha ha. Besides what breed should I get!? There is an add for a free rooster maybe I should check into that. How would a rooster interact with all chicks? One more question: I know that insulation is not needed inside a coop, but would it really hurt anything? I have some roll insulation laying around and my thinking is it can't hurt, but do you guys think?
If I HAD the insulation laying around I would use it. I don't, so our coop is not currently insulated. Do be careful to have the insulation covered so that the birds will not peck at it and ingest it.

So sorry you lost your little bird. :( flock has grown. Went looking for some chick grit tonight and the place we went had such a better selection of chicks. The first thing I spotted was a bin containing Wyandotte chicks, the breed I had been searching for but having no luck. The wife had said no more chickens, so I resisted. Then we turned the corner and there was a bin with ducklings in it.....and the wife fell in love. After walking a bit further I found what I couldn't resist....guinea keets! So, after some debating two guinea keets and two ducklings somehow found their way into a box that fell into my hands. So now our original flock of 8 chicks has morphed into a flock of 7 chicks, two ducklings and two keets. Anyone care to share any knowledge on raising ducklings? Ha ha

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