Claws & Clans - a WarriorCats RP

I'm going to make a WindClan deputy. Plus there's Burrstar in WindClan, so we are GOING PLACES, PEOPLE!!

Name: Softstep
Age: 22 moons, almost 2 years old.
Gender: Female
Clan: WindClan
Role: Deputy (I know she's super young, wait for the backstory)
Appearance: Medium-thick, sleek mackerel tabby pelt, piercing blue eyes. Delicate-looking paws, with very long claws that do not retract completely unless she keeps it in mind. Strong shoulders and wide chest, good for endurance, long legs for speed, and a long, flowing tail for balance. Very skilled warrior, excellent hunting prowess, good tracker. Generic A student.
Personality: Sharp, serious, patient. Very intelligent and empathetic, often distrustful of strangers. Logical, honest, self-controlled, and observant. Some of her flaws are that she is biased against 'clan-swappers' and non-clan cats, she is unforgiving in a battle, and a little socially awkward outside of official Clan business. She is also overly loyal to WindClan, and won't disobey her leader unless the current leader is extremely in the wrong.
Backstory: As a young kit, Softstep was attracted to the medicine den. She hung around the WindClan medicine cat constantly, constantly asking questions about every herb she saw. She was curious and intelligent, with an excellent memory. Everyone thought she was bound to be the next medicine cat. The medicine cat took her in and taught her for a moon, but Softstep, then Softpaw, was afraid of the massive isolation that becoming a medicine cat would bring. She wasn't ready to give up the chance of having a mate and kits. She left the medicine den at seven moons, training as a normal warrior for most of her training. Softstep, trying to prove that becoming a warrior was her destiny, would train longer and harder than any other 'paw. Because of this, she received her warrior's name at the normal time, despite missing a moon of basic training. She received an apprentice, Redpaw, at fourteen moons, and taught him everything she knew. Sadly, only a moon after becoming a warrior, Redpaw was attacked by a badger and was killed. The grieving Softstep threw herself back into her duties and worked harder than ever before. She was made deputy at twenty-one moons.
here is softstep btw
Screenshot 2024-05-07 3.47.35 PM.png

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