Converting small stable to chicken coop


Feb 7, 2017
This is THE perfect idea for me and thank you for sharing. I already had 4 each chain link 6'x6'x6' dog pens that my home contractor put together and made a 24'x24'6' run for my miniature pony. He attached the dog pen to a 24'x14' covered horse stable with a metal roof but due to back problems, my relatives inherited my miniature pony. Last year, my granddaughter got old enough to talk me into a pair of Pekin ducks and then we added 3 Ameraucana chickens and we have a pair left now due to a Bald Eagle swooping down in front of us and picking one up. No more chickens until I get the run covered and the stable enclosed because they are housed in a couple of big dog houses until I could get the horse stable enclosed for a chicken coop. We get one duck egg and one chicken egg a day and they lay in a 5 compartment nest that I put together in 2003 when I had a makeshift chicken pen at my mother's home. I love what you did to the pen gates and since I already have 4 gates, my contractor put the pens together where the gates can interlock like your gates if I turn one around. Now, to get the stable ready for this Georgia weather. I do need to add some ventilation in the coop because of the direct Sun hitting the stable and I need shading for the run. Your idea is a wonderful start since I already have the framed and covered stable. Now, I need ideas on a shaded chicken run. I have my share of hawks as well.
So sorry to hear about that eagle... but I suppose that all birds (chickens and eagles!) do have that predatory instinct! I love the idea of the stable-coop.

For the run-cover you could use tin roofing (which would also keep out rain) and then some plastic roofing to allow in some sun. This would do an excellent job of keeping out even the largest eagles.

Alternatively, you could plant some Buddleia (butterfly bushes) in your run. They grow large and provide shade, look beautiful, are not poisonous, the chickens and ducks don't eat them and they (as their name suggests) attract bugs for the chickens to eat and can also be used in the garden to attract bees and butterflies.
G’Day from down under csuego

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I had to have someone cut the "weed trees" down last year before we put the ducks in the run. They just stayed around their pool, fresh water and food and did not travel around the pen. We got the chickens in Nov 2016 and they took care of cleaning everything but Blackberry bushes. They won't mess with those small bushes but will eat the berries. The "weed tree" stumps were tripping both of us and my granddaughter and I noticed that the small stumps could be knocked down or dug partially up and she did most of pulling the roots out. The next day, she was so surprised when she saw that the chickens had smoothed out the dirt she had disturbed. On another note, I am still wondering about putting in a floor in the stable. I see that you have concrete blocks with shavings on it and I could use some advice on the floor. I live in the country and I have a small pond in my backyard as well as poisonous and nonpoisonous snakes that like to hide in dark and warm places and would love my chicken eggs. I also don't want any varmints digging in the chicken coop. I know that it is not wise to put a wood floor on dirt so I welcome all advice. Thanks so much
thank you for joining us at Backyard chickens. You might want to post on the coops section and also the predator threads for advice on raptors.

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