Coop location help / yard sprinklers.

king mattimus

6 Years
Apr 1, 2013
I am having the hardest time trying to find a good location for my coop! my whole yard is covered by sprinklers except for a slim area along my fence for my garden.
as you can see from the picture above I'm thinking about plopping the coop right on top of an unused garden box. The floor of the run is covered with chicken wire so it is floating about 6 inches above the dirt in the garden box (not sure if that's a problem). Most of the coop is out of range of the sprinklers but I'm worried about the nesting box which might get nailed with some water while the sprinklers are running.
. Does anyone think this might be a problem? Also should the run of the coop be sitting on the ground or is it okay to be elevated? Any help would be appreciated!


Can you not adjust the spary zone on your sprinkler heads? My in-ground system has head that I can mess with to adjust the spray from 360* to 90*. That way I can adjust them not to spray the house or patio.

You can also swap heads out for different spray patterns/depths/heights. It's usually not complicated at all - just dig a tiny hole around the head to access it and swap it out. Ours threaded on and off like a hose connection.

If you don't know how to do it, you can usually find a landscape or lawncare company who knows how. We hired one to "train" us when we bought our first house with in-ground sprinklers. The house didn't come with a manual, so we were clueless.
I agree. Just swap out the sprinkler head that hits the nest box. And yes, I would put the coop floor directly on the dirt and not float it. If you float it, it will be harder on the chicken's feet and your girls won't be able to peck at any bugs in the dirt which is their all time favorite thing.
Thanks for your input!!! My sprinklers are the big pop up impact rotors and the coop is set between 2 of them, if I adjust the spray too much Ill worry about the grass dieing. No worrys though I think it might work better placing it over another garden box that is directly over one of the sprinklers to minimize any overspray onto the coop. As for placing it directly on the ground I will totally do that by removing the garden box. I really appreciate your input it feels nice knowing I have some help with this setup. :)
Hi, all! I'm new here. :)

I have a similar question, except we are thinking of doing a tractor like set up. But if I'm reading this correctly, we don't want our coop in the sprinklers on a daily basis...

So a chicken tractor is likely a bad idea for our property, where there is grass - there are sprinklers. So - not a great idea?

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