Coop walls...cedar fence okay?


In the Brooder
Feb 1, 2016
Hi everyone!
I am working my way through the garden coop plans and I have a few questions I would love some input on. The plans call for double walls, first plywood then cedar boards over the top of the plywood. We live in the Pacific Northwest and rarely experience extreme cold, for the sake of time and money I was wondering if I could use just cedar fence boards w/ silicone In between (to account for shrinkage and make the walls rain tight) and not do plywood first? I did a plywood floor and being a 5'2" female w/ no table saw, it was a pain in the *****!
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Are you building the garden coop? We only used the plywood walls and skipped the cedar walls. We're in CA where it's warmer but aside from that caveat, it's worked well for us. Can you rent a circular saw for a day?

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