Corn Meal for Baby Chicks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
Since I've started raising baby chicks barely a month ago, I'm venturing out to find more food options for them. I've been feeding them on just Chick Starter food only and Water.

Just today, I found some left over Corn Meal that I'd bought a few months ago when I was fishing for Carp. Carp loves Corn Meal. I would boil 2 Cup of water and dump in 4 square sugar cubes then put 4 cups of Corn Meal in. In the end result is a clump of Water and Sugar mixed Corn Meal. Caught numerous foot long Carp with it.

Would it be fine if I cook it the same way and hand feed it to my baby chicks?

This is the one I bought.

Thanks in advance.
Baby chicks need to be on chick starter for at least six weeks. What you have will not help them in any way. If you feel the need to use it, save it for later when they do not need the protein as much. Really it won't save you anything… and using that corn meal won't help your birds either. At least not now.

Baby chicks need to be on chick starter for at least six weeks. What you have will not help them in any way. If you feel the need to use it, save it for later when they do not need the protein as much. Really it won't save you anything… and using that corn meal won't help your birds either. At least not now.


Six weeks, got it. I was told from a breeder to keep it for three to four weeks on the chick starter. I don't mind the chick starter, they're loving that fine but personally if I were a chick, I'd be bored eating the same thing over and over even if it's good for me
lol Four more weeks to go! Should of bought the 50lbs chick starter rather than the 10 lbs. Looks like I will need to purchase more chick starter then. Thanks.
If your chicks were being raised by a broody hen and free ranging, they would eat chick feed and lots of other stuff. Because they depend on you for all their feed, stick with the chick started. You can mess up their balance diet by adding too many extras. They will do great on a good quality chick feed without anything else. Mary
Baby chicks need to be on chick starter for at least six weeks. What you have will not help them in any way. If you feel the need to use it, save it for later when they do not need the protein as much. Really it won't save you anything… and using that corn meal won't help your birds either. At least not now.

I have to say that with my one baby chick that wasn't doing well, I fed her the yellow cornmeal since she wouldn't eat the chick starter at all and she is thriving now

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