Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I went out for the first time since February. I don’t care if anyone heard me chanting, “don’t freak out! Don’t freak out! Don’t freak out...” I was inside for fifteen minutes, and I felt like I was abducted by aliens. You know, more than usual in a Walmart.
I went to WalMart Monday to get an Rx for DD (nasty cat-bite!) and had to stave off an anxiety attack. I haven't had one of those for AGES! It scared the living bejeezus out of me. I don't plan on venturing out again anytime soon! :(
Hi all. I’m sorta new here. Dealing very poorly with some personal stuff and found this group. So far the nicest decent genuine folks I’ve found in a while. I seem to not really know how to use this thread system though. Hahaha. Got so excited a month ago when I joined because I found someone dealing with the same thing as me and oMg.....I was normal- then saw I was responding to something from 2012. So...yeah- learning curve. But I need some happiness now so I hope you don’t mind if I’m chiming in. 😊
Welcome Aboard ... smiles and hugs for you, from Maryland ...:):hugs
@Folly's place Don’t worry. No need to be sad. My birds are all taken care of and healthy. There are not birds dropping left and right or even multiple deaths. It was ONE old hen that died almost a year ago now. I’m positive it’s not related at all. I didn’t necropsy her because she was an old bird and I had a pretty good idea of the cause (the intense heat we had just had). But even if I had wanted to test her, she was too degraded by the time I found her. But this bird I sent in. So hardly the same thing. I’ve had 2 sick birds in 5 years. Not like I’m letting disease run rampant.
Good to see you, @TwoShepherds . So what is the story on behavioral health? Is it shut down for now? I have a very close young relative that probably needs 72 hours in a safe place if you know what I mean. She's not a user, just a young abuse victim that really needs a time out. I am afraid for her ...
Call Child Protective Services, or whatever the equivalent is in your area. CPS will know where and how to get help for her. As family, you could likely even volunteer to shelter her, yourself. Regardless - GET HER OUT OF THERE! Child abuse is nothing to turn away from. Even if it stops, today, she'll be dealing with it for the rest of her life if it's not dealt with by people who know what they're doing. And this isn't just rhetoric speaking. Been there, been through that ... first hand experience.
Every child needs a voice. If she can't be it for herself, she's dependent on you to be it for her. PLEASE!
Yeah I guess I probably should have just posted the link so I’m sorry but it would feel rude or weird to me to just shove a link in peoples faces instead of just answering??? But idk.

But nobody else had a problem, at least not that they told me, or else I wouldn’t have kept posting about it.

If somebody had said not to talk about it, I would have stopped. But no one ever did. Yet somehow it’s my fault and I’m the only one that ever derails threads even though everybody else is way off topic too.

It is perfectly fine to say something like....

"Thanks for asking. I have a thread about it here (paste link)."

If someone is offended by that then they are far to easily offended.

Yes I skipped a ton again.

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