Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I am SOOOO sorry! Yet, it makes me smile to know how thoroughly your two boys are and have been loved! Vets understand this, too. Talk to yours ahead of time. Prep your vehicle with a shower curtain under a towel or their favorite blanket - something that smells like "home" and have your vet handle things right there in your car or in the grass/parking lot. You get to be there the whole time and your furbabies won't have to go into the "nasty, scary vet's office" alone. If your vet won't do this for you and your babies ... you have the wrong vet.
Thank you, that's wonderful suggestion! I'm definitely going to call the vet ahead of time and ask if they can carry out the final procedure by coming out to our vehicle instead of taking our pets inside. After all, we're planning on taking them home to bury on our property, so bringing them inside is not needed. Thank you for such a good idea.
We're currently going through that sad time with both dogs. It never gets any easier...

Our little Maltese, we've decided this will be his last week, since next week we have some days off and we'll have a few quiet days to be sad about losing him before having to rush back to work.

We adopted our little boy three years ago from the shelter - he was picked up as a stray so they didn't know his exact age but the vet estimated at least 12. We had three wonderful years with him, then in April he suddenly couldn't walk or even hold his head up, struggling to stand up but collapsing in dizziness. It was horrible to see him like that. We thought (hoped) it was vestibulitis, since they often recover just fine. The vet brought up the subject of euthanizing him at that time, but we opted to try some medication while keeping in mind it might not work. He improved a lot, but never got his full mind back - we suspect it was a stroke, because he's like a human with dementia. He still enjoys his food, but doesn't know where he is most of the time, and no longer enjoys sitting on our laps or cuddling. He wanders in circles, sometimes getting stuck in small areas or crashing into things. We knew his vision was little-to-none before, but before his illness in April, he had the house memorized and could find his way around just fine, but not any more.

The kicker was when we were at work, but watching him on the baby monitor - we baby-gate him in the kitchen when we're gone - he was collapsed between the water bowl and the corner, not moving, we thought he might have already passed away. I rushed home as soon as I could, and he was alive but stuck in a spot where he couldn't move, and had peed and pooped all over himself. I cleaned him up and got him walking around outside, but it seems like we can no longer keep him safe, even baby-gated in the kitchen.

Physically he doesn't seem to be in any pain, but it seems like he is just not really enjoying life any more. Even his food, which has always been his top priority, he'll wander away from his bowl and not be able to find his way back. We've talked it over (many talks weighing the pros and cons, actually) and we agree that it's time.

Our big dog (Border Collie/Heeler mix) we got as a puppy and he's now 14. He was diagnosed with congestive heart disease a year and a half ago, and has been doing fairly well on medication, but about the same time as our little dog starting having issues, our big dog got a lump on his leg, which has turned out to be cancer. The vets gave us the option of surgery, euthanasia or hospice care, and we decided on hospice care. We just want to keep him as happy and comfortable as possible for whatever time he has left.

If he was a young dog, or even 9 or 10, we probably would have considered surgery to try to remove the cancer, but for a 14-y-o dog with advanced heart disease, how much more time would he even gain from the surgery? And how much of that time would be taken up by suffering through an invasive procedure and a painful and possible-but-not-guaranteed recovery?

So, we're just spoiling him as much as possible, giving him as many treats as he wants, and lots of walks, such as they are these days... in his younger days he used to go hiking with us, carrying his own doggy pack and go-pro (he took some hilarious videos with the go-pro)... today a walk means nothing strenuous, like strolling in our field, sniffing the air, rolling in the grass, making "border collie eyes" at the chickens or wild bunnies. All of which he enjoys.

We've decided when the time comes that he no longer enjoys going outside and can only lay around, or, if his cancerous leg starts causing pain, that will be when it's time to say goodbye. Hopefully not for a few more months, but who knows?

It stinks big time to know we're going to lose both of our boys so soon and so close together. Having it happen in the middle of covid, when the vet makes us call from the parking lot, takes them inside, and only lets us come in to be with them after everything is prepped, makes it so much worse. The thought of them being scared or confused about what is happening breaks my heart. The vet hospital does their best, I'm not faulting them. At least they will let us be with our boys at the final moment and comfort them as they go to sleep.

This past Spring we planted a weeping willow tree in our field, among some other new shrubs and trees. The weeping willow is a tree we've wanted for a long time, and it's growing amazingly, putting out more new healthy, beautiful branches every time we look at it. Under this beautiful tree, will be the final resting place for our boys.

Sorry this was TLDR, but just had to share my sadness among all you good folks and get things off my chest. Thanks, everybody.

I cannot fathom... to have all that weighing on your (& your family) shoulders during this difficult time. Losing one is hard, but two? That is tough. It is a beautiful blessing to know the love you have for your boys. For being older dogs (not just 10yrs), they lived to their fullest!.. Probably all the love and care they got.
Willow trees are my favorite. They're so beautiful (remind me of the movie, Pocahontas)! It sounds like a beautiful place for them to rest, where you can always look out and visit.
I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!
We're currently going through that sad time with both dogs. It never gets any easier...

Our little Maltese, we've decided this will be his last week, since next week we have some days off and we'll have a few quiet days to be sad about losing him before having to rush back to work.

We adopted our little boy three years ago from the shelter - he was picked up as a stray so they didn't know his exact age but the vet estimated at least 12. We had three wonderful years with him, then in April he suddenly couldn't walk or even hold his head up, struggling to stand up but collapsing in dizziness. It was horrible to see him like that. We thought (hoped) it was vestibulitis, since they often recover just fine. The vet brought up the subject of euthanizing him at that time, but we opted to try some medication while keeping in mind it might not work. He improved a lot, but never got his full mind back - we suspect it was a stroke, because he's like a human with dementia. He still enjoys his food, but doesn't know where he is most of the time, and no longer enjoys sitting on our laps or cuddling. He wanders in circles, sometimes getting stuck in small areas or crashing into things. We knew his vision was little-to-none before, but before his illness in April, he had the house memorized and could find his way around just fine, but not any more.

The kicker was when we were at work, but watching him on the baby monitor - we baby-gate him in the kitchen when we're gone - he was collapsed between the water bowl and the corner, not moving, we thought he might have already passed away. I rushed home as soon as I could, and he was alive but stuck in a spot where he couldn't move, and had peed and pooped all over himself. I cleaned him up and got him walking around outside, but it seems like we can no longer keep him safe, even baby-gated in the kitchen.

Physically he doesn't seem to be in any pain, but it seems like he is just not really enjoying life any more. Even his food, which has always been his top priority, he'll wander away from his bowl and not be able to find his way back. We've talked it over (many talks weighing the pros and cons, actually) and we agree that it's time.

Our big dog (Border Collie/Heeler mix) we got as a puppy and he's now 14. He was diagnosed with congestive heart disease a year and a half ago, and has been doing fairly well on medication, but about the same time as our little dog starting having issues, our big dog got a lump on his leg, which has turned out to be cancer. The vets gave us the option of surgery, euthanasia or hospice care, and we decided on hospice care. We just want to keep him as happy and comfortable as possible for whatever time he has left.

If he was a young dog, or even 9 or 10, we probably would have considered surgery to try to remove the cancer, but for a 14-y-o dog with advanced heart disease, how much more time would he even gain from the surgery? And how much of that time would be taken up by suffering through an invasive procedure and a painful and possible-but-not-guaranteed recovery?

So, we're just spoiling him as much as possible, giving him as many treats as he wants, and lots of walks, such as they are these days... in his younger days he used to go hiking with us, carrying his own doggy pack and go-pro (he took some hilarious videos with the go-pro)... today a walk means nothing strenuous, like strolling in our field, sniffing the air, rolling in the grass, making "border collie eyes" at the chickens or wild bunnies. All of which he enjoys.

We've decided when the time comes that he no longer enjoys going outside and can only lay around, or, if his cancerous leg starts causing pain, that will be when it's time to say goodbye. Hopefully not for a few more months, but who knows?

It stinks big time to know we're going to lose both of our boys so soon and so close together. Having it happen in the middle of covid, when the vet makes us call from the parking lot, takes them inside, and only lets us come in to be with them after everything is prepped, makes it so much worse. The thought of them being scared or confused about what is happening breaks my heart. The vet hospital does their best, I'm not faulting them. At least they will let us be with our boys at the final moment and comfort them as they go to sleep.

This past Spring we planted a weeping willow tree in our field, among some other new shrubs and trees. The weeping willow is a tree we've wanted for a long time, and it's growing amazingly, putting out more new healthy, beautiful branches every time we look at it. Under this beautiful tree, will be the final resting place for our boys.

Sorry this was TLDR, but just had to share my sadness among all you good folks and get things off my chest. Thanks, everybody.
:hugsand more :hugs.
To keep myself busy during the pandemic in March I got 3 beautiful healthy 6 week old French black copper Marans. I’ve had chickens for 11 years and currently had 5, all raised from day old chicks. Since I’m allergic to birds (and eggs) I raised them up in the office until 12 weeks since it was so cold here in New England and I was out of work anyway. I then put the brooder next to our run each day. Every night I put the brooder inside the coop to sleep with the “bigs”. At 14 weeks all seemed ok, so we let everyone free in the run. My speckled Sussex killed my favorite, Brownie. I was devastated. Decided to let everyone free range instead of using the run. Things went well for two weeks then my EE ripped a hole in Omelette’s head when she entered the coop. A huge hole, you could see her skull and I thought she wouldn’t make it. I cleaned the wound and applied copious amounts of simply Neosporin so flies wouldn’t get in - it was so gross. Green pus, exposed skull, I didn’t have a lot of hope. Well it paid off, now she is a thriving 19 week old and quite loving. Last night both Omelette and Cocoa decided their tractor was too small and headed for the coop. All was well today and I’m so relieved. Never in my years of chicken care have I had such a difficult time integrating chickens and I’m praying for peace to remain in the coop.
To keep myself busy during the pandemic in March I got 3 beautiful healthy 6 week old French black copper Marans. I’ve had chickens for 11 years and currently had 5, all raised from day old chicks. Since I’m allergic to birds (and eggs) I raised them up in the office until 12 weeks since it was so cold here in New England and I was out of work anyway. I then put the brooder next to our run each day. Every night I put the brooder inside the coop to sleep with the “bigs”. At 14 weeks all seemed ok, so we let everyone free in the run. My speckled Sussex killed my favorite, Brownie. I was devastated. Decided to let everyone free range instead of using the run. Things went well for two weeks then my EE ripped a hole in Omelette’s head when she entered the coop. A huge hole, you could see her skull and I thought she wouldn’t make it. I cleaned the wound and applied copious amounts of simply Neosporin so flies wouldn’t get in - it was so gross. Green pus, exposed skull, I didn’t have a lot of hope. Well it paid off, now she is a thriving 19 week old and quite loving. Last night both Omelette and Cocoa decided their tractor was too small and headed for the coop. All was well today and I’m so relieved. Never in my years of chicken care have I had such a difficult time integrating chickens and I’m praying for peace to remain in the coop.
That sounds intense! I am not an expert but from what I have read, you did everything seemingly right...? So sad about Brownie :(
I am glad Omelette survived an attack like that! But shame on that Sussex and EE (jk, I know they're just animals)!!! Maybe Omelette looked at your EE the wrong way and then EE was like, "oh heck no!"
Hopefully peace will be established sooner than later.
To keep myself busy during the pandemic in March I got 3 beautiful healthy 6 week old French black copper Marans. I’ve had chickens for 11 years and currently had 5, all raised from day old chicks. Since I’m allergic to birds (and eggs) I raised them up in the office until 12 weeks since it was so cold here in New England and I was out of work anyway. I then put the brooder next to our run each day. Every night I put the brooder inside the coop to sleep with the “bigs”. At 14 weeks all seemed ok, so we let everyone free in the run. My speckled Sussex killed my favorite, Brownie. I was devastated. Decided to let everyone free range instead of using the run. Things went well for two weeks then my EE ripped a hole in Omelette’s head when she entered the coop. A huge hole, you could see her skull and I thought she wouldn’t make it. I cleaned the wound and applied copious amounts of simply Neosporin so flies wouldn’t get in - it was so gross. Green pus, exposed skull, I didn’t have a lot of hope. Well it paid off, now she is a thriving 19 week old and quite loving. Last night both Omelette and Cocoa decided their tractor was too small and headed for the coop. All was well today and I’m so relieved. Never in my years of chicken care have I had such a difficult time integrating chickens and I’m praying for peace to remain in the coop.
:fl :fl :fl
It's hard to believe that our neighboring state of Florida just surpassed 10,000 cases in a single goodness. Stay healthy and safe everyone - there sure is alot going on these days.
We were warned that this would happen as we opened up - no matter what pace we took. I honestly don't think the states are wrong in how quickly or slowly they lift restrictions, it's just the nature of this awful beast. It's up to us, as individuals, to keep ourselves and each other safe.
We were warned that this would happen as we opened up - no matter what pace we took. I honestly don't think the states are wrong in how quickly or slowly they lift restrictions, it's just the nature of this awful beast. It's up to us, as individuals, to keep ourselves and each other safe.
It's mandatory to wear face masks in public here in California. The city I live in is one of the 19 cities demanded to reclose some businesses. I personally think it's the wisest step if we remain open.

My husband's job has remained open (they don't work with the public) during the closure but 2 employees have already had to quarantine due to exposure. I have been trying to play it safe for my kids and myself but, there's all these risks no matter what you do or where you go.

We found out that my bonus son, who is usually with us every weekend, was exposed through a relative so, we aren't able to see him for another week :( or possibly 2 weeks until he can get tested, and praying the results are negative!

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