Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

So, hows-about-we-had-you the "Romper Room Mirror" and ask you the same questions? "Wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean, eh?" (Said in Monty Python accent & Style... Of course)
Hmmmmm ... Romper Room was okay ... but Miss Sally hated kids! My preference was definitely Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans! Still, an update ...
We're hanging on, here. The drama is still here - and will be until DD's former boyfriend turns 18 in the Spring. Holy Cow, what a mess that whole thing is/was/remains! DD had settled in to online college classes - her first semester. So far, so good, but she really dislikes this online garbage. She has some friends in each of her classes, which is a plus ... and an interest in one fellow in her psych class - which is difficult to pursue when everyone is socially distancing by multiple miles. Still the fact that she's even curious after all the drama is a good sign. I'll take it!
DS is getting ready to take on a major project. Our foxes have shortened their circuit and are now back weekly, so he's upgrading the fence out back. Plain age and Crazy Dog have worked their magic on it, and there are multiple places where foxes could sneak in. So far, Crazy Dog has alerted each time (I was up three times, last night with her over them,) but I don't want to count on that forever.
Me? I'm going quietly insane. Now that school is back in session and completely online, my job is officially non-existent. There's no need for a substitute teacher when sick teachers can hold classes online from home. I was half-promised another position once school started, but that hasn't materialized. I knew I shouldn't count on it from the start... but hope springs eternal, and I was sincerely hopeful. It's time to hit the proverbial pavement, big time. I'm on the short-list for a position at our new library, once it's completed, but even that is currently on hold because the rest of the library system is officially shut down, still. It's not looking very good, at the moment.
I have an at-home crafting business that I do, occasionally, but I haven't had the oomph to get on it. It's time to ramp that up for the Holidays, but I just can't seem to get out of this funk and get going.
We're fighting the tail-end of fowl pox with my bachelor coop and run. DD thought they were just fighting with each other and I was hiding in my little dark cloud, so we didn't catch it until late. Luckily, it's not a serious outbreak and we are really good with bio-security, so it has (so far) not hit our laying/breeder run ... just The Boys. I guess it's just as well that there was no County Fair, this year. We missed the minimalist State Fair because of the pox,
Hades ... we missed the whole blasted summer. . It's been a trying, overly dramatic, draining month - and now summer is over and I missed the whole thing. We ALL missed the whole thing. Tomorrow is my birthday ... Hooray. Not. ... My kids are working and no one else will venture out with the virus spikes, so I will be spending it alone in my messy house with my sick chickens, my nearly blind dog, and DD's crazy mutt.
I'm genuinely sorry for the pity party. I'm just feeling very low at the moment ... and you did ask. Silly You!

Well, I shant wish you a happy birthday when you feel like it won't be one. And of course there's so many countless platitudes to offer... Like remember it won't always feel this bad, you have family who loves you, some days are good... But frankly, some days just suck, and it sucks to live through them. It just hits you like a ton of bricks and it's hard to get back up again, and I'm sorry you're going through that. You don't deserve to have hard times.

Instead I will share my favorite internet cat videos with you and hope they make you feel slightly better today.
this link shows what I'm dealing with and the process of the job in photo step by step from a guy and a Gal's perspective.
Your lucky. Try working on a vehicle around here. It's like they dump salt on the roads all winter. Rust is a understatement. Every nut and bolt not surface rust either. Like beat it off, scrape it, the size it was too loose. So figure out between standard and metric what will fit tight enough. And or figure out what socket you want to beat down onto it, and maybe you can get it without rounding it off, maybe you just snap it off, maybe you should have just torched it off Lol.
Have fun! Lol, I have done about everything on vehicles every part and in the worst of conditions so if you have any questions fire me one.
(and no I won't work on yours, I hate it, just hate paying someone else $$$ more)
Omg, 17 pint jars of sauce processing now.
I grow tons of tomatoes. Mostly just scaled them and remove skin and can and freeze them we do both. But was given this squeezo thingy from my FIL few yrs back that thing is the bomb for making sauce no skins no seeds and easy to use. Not like grinding meat by hand it turns easy. Missing the chute for the sauce but we improvised, seeds and skin just poop out the end. DD#4 only one that loves tomatoes running it few yrs back
Screenshot_20170917-115746 (1).png
Your lucky. Try working on a vehicle around here. It's like they dump salt on the roads all winter. Rust is a understatement. Every nut and bolt not surface rust either. Like beat it off, scrape it, the size it was too loose. So figure out between standard and metric what will fit tight enough. And or figure out what socket you want to beat down onto it, and maybe you can get it without rounding it off, maybe you just snap it off, maybe you should have just torched it off Lol.
Have fun! Lol, I have done about everything on vehicles every part and in the worst of conditions so if you have any questions fire me one.
(and no I won't work on yours, I hate it, just hate paying someone else $$$ more)
Thanks for the offer BC. Just an FYI I 'cut my teeth's in vehicles, born & initially raised in the Mitten.... So ahhh, i ab-so-stinkin-lutely know about living in the rust-belt. Will banter later. Time to watch a little netflix with kiddos before they goto bed.

/(Looks around) good night y'all!
Your lucky. Try working on a vehicle around here. It's like they dump salt on the roads all winter. Rust is a understatement. Every nut and bolt not surface rust either. Like beat it off, scrape it, the size it was too loose. So figure out between standard and metric what will fit tight enough. And or figure out what socket you want to beat down onto it, and maybe you can get it without rounding it off, maybe you just snap it off, maybe you should have just torched it off Lol.
Have fun! Lol, I have done about everything on vehicles every part and in the worst of conditions so if you have any questions fire me one.
(and no I won't work on yours, I hate it, just hate paying someone else $$$ more)
I grew up in ME and NH... it definitely is salty up there. It eats holes into your vehicle too. My BIL has a really nice truck and now it has holes through it from the salt.

Now that I’m a bit south, they don’t use salt and it’s horrible to drive when the roads get icy... you can’t win lol

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