Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Snapdragon, I love the quilt in your new avatar. Is it one you've made? What's the pattern called?
Thank you! :hugs
It's the quilt I'm currently making and the pattern is called Teardrops (below)
I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains and have lakes around so I chose colors to reflect that. Haven't decided on the name of the quilt yet but it will be along the mountain/lake theme. Only have the last outer border to put on then it's ready to go on the longarm frame.

I was once owned by a German Shepherd Dog. Adopted at two, nothing in my life has ever worshipped me like my sweet Oliver. He would steal my dirty clothes and lay them on my side of the bed and sleep on them while I was at work. He didn’t allow any humans to touch me except for my husband. We have adopted 9 of our 10 dogs we’ve had, all amazing but none have ever put me on a pedestal like my GSD. Never adopted another, probably won’t. Same with our Golden Retriever, died of bloat at 10. Can’t get another. Currently have a super swell apricot standard poodle and an English chocolate Labrador. It’s amazing to me how many beautiful animals get thrown away.
Same shape as the hole in my heart too. I seriously doubt I'll ever have another GSD. :hugs
I have a whole different take on this. For me, the only cure for the ache in my heart when losing a Sheltie, is another Sheltie. I'm not faulting anyone for doing different, I just can't live without one. I feel much the same about Goldens, but I haven't been able to fill that hole in many, many years, so the ache remains, but I absolutely would if I could. No dog can replace another, it's not like that. I just HAVE to have a Sheltie to love, though each one is different.
I was once owned by a German Shepherd Dog. Adopted at two, nothing in my life has ever worshipped me like my sweet Oliver. He would steal my dirty clothes and lay them on my side of the bed and sleep on them while I was at work. He didn’t allow any humans to touch me except for my husband. We have adopted 9 of our 10 dogs we’ve had, all amazing but none have ever put me on a pedestal like my GSD. Never adopted another, probably won’t. Same with our Golden Retriever, died of bloat at 10. Can’t get another. Currently have a super swell apricot standard poodle and an English chocolate Labrador. It’s amazing to me how many beautiful animals get thrown away.
I've only purchased one dog in my life, too, Everyone else has been a rescue - most of them found me, not the other way around. My sole puppy purchase presented an interesting challenge.
I had only recently moved away from home and was having serious pet-withdrawal. I desperately needed a dog! The other half understood ... sortof ... but really didn't want a dog, or anything else, for that matter. He put a lot of restrictions on what he would accept:

Had to be a purebred - which ruled out the peke-a-poo I wanted.
Had to be a puppy - I wanted an older dog, because it's easier for puppies to find homes.
Had to be female - I like my boys and female purebreds are 'spensive!
Had to be under 30 pounds - okay, we lived in a townhouse, I got that one.
Couldn't be yappy - which ruled out pretty much every terrier breed and small poodles
Couldn't be shipped, which left us within a three hour radius.
My one restriction was that I wanted longer hair. I like to bury my fingers in floof! That ruled out all the smooth-coated breeds.

With all the caveats, he really figured to remain dogless for quite some time, but he seriously underestimated me! With all the restrictions, I narrowed it down to a Lhasa Apso and a Shih Tzu. The Lhasa was bigger, but temperament won and I ended up with my little Shih Tzu. I loved her dearly - and always will, but I will NEVER purchase a dog again! She was, without a doubt, the dumbest, most hard-headed animal I have ever owned or been owned by!
With that in mind, I have to add that whatever she lacked in intelligence, she made up for in personality. She was a BLAST! We had SO many fun adventures, together. We are the reason why our local mall has "No pets allowed" signs on all the doors. I took her in for pictures with Santa (what can I say? I was childless and she was spoiled!) Most people thought it was cute, but there were, of course, complaints from a few patrons and staff. When security approached me over it, I innocently pointed out that nowhere did it say I could not bring a leashed, well-behaved pet inside. They couldn't argue, but we got an escort to Santa. The irritated guard waited while we got our pictures taken, then escorted us back out. Santa LOVED her, BTW. I went back the next day (Sunday) to actually shop, and lo and behold, there were "No Pets Allowed" stickers on all the doors. I lost it! I laughed so hard I couldn't stand up. On the rare occasion when I make it back that far into civilization, it still makes me smile!
Same as every year: go to bed between 10 and 11. Wake up and do it all again.

I'm always optimistic about a new start tho and I can't believe there's any way 2021 can fail to be better than 2020. For one thing, my daughter gets the second shot of vaccine next week so one HUGE concern will be whittled down to a fraction of the proportions it's taken on all this year.
I'm going old school and banging pots and pans outside my door at midnight. >( My mom always said you gotta scare the old year away. Seems prudent this year. I'm not taking any chances.


Gonna channel this lady. Same energy.

Probably gonna stay inside otherwise and drink something strong. Tequila rose? Hot cocoa with Kahlua?
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This is also your reminder that noise on new years eve is a time honored tradition and that it's an excellent time to SCREAM INTO THE ETHER AS LOUD AS YOU CAN just like you've been wanting to do all year long.
My vocal cords don't like it when I scream, though. 🤣
Is tooting the air horn an acceptable substitute? It might set the guineas off, too, and that's plenty of noise.

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