Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Do NOT relent on safety measures and behaviors!!
Yeah when I was working, they gave gift certificate for perfect attendance. One guy had decades and said he had perfect attendance in school too. Every time he came in sick I said he was infecting all of us. Last fall he got sick, left work and his wife took him to the hospital. Last time she seen him. He was on ventilator for a while before covid finished him.
It was a "male-dominated" office where showing signs of weakness of any kind was frowned upon. The really sad thing was that working from home was perfectly fine. Also, some places of business will not tell people to go home because they're sick.

Is “male-dominated” in this sense a constructive term? What if one of us uses the term “female-dominated” in the pejorative sense? Is that ok?
I got my first dose of the moderna vaccine this morning. I'm so excited to have finally gotten it. All the people at the vaccine clinic were all equally excited to finally get theirs. It's a light at the end of the tunnel for me. :yesss: Hopefully my husband can get his soon as well.
You'all crack me up sometimes :lau
I never missed a day of school, because I had a very abusive mother ....
I loved school even though I wasn't a great student it was my escape, didn't matter how sick I was, WAY better than staying home. I've blocked any thought of that part of my life out until this past yr every time I hear about schools being closed and kids mental health I think about it, no matter how much I could pray no other kids could be in the same situation I was in I know there is and much worse, and most likely the same, love school cause it's a safe place at least for part of the day.
Now my dad, he was hard core, self employed blue stone quarryman. Works seven days a week no matter how sick he is and even when he's broke bones. Had someone ask one time, landowner of a quarry he leased 'why does your dad work every day?' You ever met his wife? (he knows who she is) lightbulb !
I worked with my dad every chance I could growing up, every school Christmas, spring, / summer vacation I could. Ran a shovel when I was little, moved up to big machinery.
I think I have his work ethic still and I wont apologize for it.
I have worked in a dairy plant mostly unloading milk tractor trailers for the last 17yrs.
I've worked with broken ribs after wrecking three wheeler. I've worked with fractured leg after falling out of hunting tree stand. Never called in sick for sniffles and coughs and I wont apologize for it.
Most times I called in sick was days I wanted/needed off and very few.
Only time I called in actually sick was two days in a row, just after Christmas yrs ago, worst xmas ever all our kids sick then hit me next day. First and only time we've ever had the flue shot weeks earlier and not blaming flue shot just fact is only time I've ever been that sick and I don't know if it was the flue just good thing our toilet and bathtub was close enough to use both... Called work second day, heard someone in the background say 'he isn't over that hangover yet' then my group leader (a woman, yeah a woman, one of the best most respected human beings/people here, hard worker) I hear her say nah, he must really be sick I've seen him come to work many times with a hangover:gig

What really cracks me up is all the people here (BYC not necessarily this thread) that say they won't vaccinate their chicks for Marek's , rather build up a immunity. Won't feed medicated feed to prevent Coccidiosis, rather rely on immunity. But think a vaccine will save us humans.
DW has a appointment to get vaccine Tue, and our DD#2 17yr old has to have doctors note cause she has asthma. I don't think I mentioned it here but the only people I've heard had a bad time with the 'shot' was those that already had covid.
DW recently heard that if you had covid you only need one shot. She recently (yesterday) had a operation and asked the doc about it and they said same thing, if you already had covid now recommending only one shot. We all think we had it last spring but no proof. We both donated blood in July showed no antibodies but maybe wore off four five months latter IDK?
I mentioned to a truck driver that comes into where I work every other day that had covid, older than me and heavier than me that all that happened to him was loss of smell and taste. His wife and dd is getting the vaccine.
I might have already had covid, I might not have and be a symptomatic or somewhat like you, ..... or I could die....IDK?......
I'm just not sure if I want to get it (the shot) or not. I hardly ever have been sick, think maybe I've already had covid, back last Feb had really bad dry cough for a couple weeks really scared me almost quit smoking cigars, started googling cancer symptoms, then it went away. IDK?
I still have some time to think about it cause I'm still not eligible to get it yet.

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