

In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2023
What is the measurement of mixing corrid powder to water? I have 1 2 gallon water and a 3 gallon. Can you also administer it directly to mouth for faster absorption? If so what is the process and measurements of this?
What is the measurement of mixing corrid powder to water? I have 1 2 gallon water and a 3 gallon. Can you also administer it directly to mouth for faster absorption? If so what is the process and measurements of this?
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

Yes, you can give them a direct Oral Drench IN ADDITION to them drinking the mixed Corid water for 5-7 days. Link to Direct Drench instructions are posted previously and below.

Thank you. I also have 6 new ones that are about 4 weeks old that I have put in the run while the other 3 older girls were out free ranging in the yard. Should I also treat the little ones since they have have contact with the run?

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